SCCA-Ljubljana & Kulturni dom Nova Gorica / City Gallery
Encounters with Contemporary Visual Art
Tuesday, 13th March 2018, 7pm
City Gallery Nova Gorica, Trg Edvarda Kardelja 5
The series of three lectures in frame of Encounters with Contemporary Visual Art are the outcome of collaboration between SCCA-Ljubljana and Kulturni dom Nova Gorica. In 2018 co-workers of SCCA-Ljubljan will prepare one lecture in January (Peter Cerovšek), February (Lara Plavčak) and March (Barbara Borčić).
You are kindly welcome to join us on Tuesday, March 13 at the lecture by art historian and curator Barbara Borčić, which will focus on the multimedia practices in the 1980s.
As a reference point, the lecture will take the exhibition Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production, curated by Barbara Borčić and Igor Španjol in the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova in Ljubljana in 2017. The exhibition showed how expanded the field of art was in the 1980s, with practices characterized by multimedia, self-organization, interdisciplinarity, trans-generational work, and collective authorship. The display concept foregrounded the context of production through the typical venues and events (disco, gallery, club, the other television, label, festival, studio, viewing room, television, cinema, exit), putting additional emphasis on selected artistic installations.
Borčić will focus on the basic thesis of the exhibition, i.e., how multimedia theme could be approached from two curatorial angles: via the alternative and/or subculture venues and via the institutionally and technologically supported practices. Together they reveal a media field constituted by the interrelations between production and presentation, concept and context, television and video. Apart from photo- and video documentation, a number of video works will be screened, e.g. Miha Vipotnik: Videogram 4, Andrej Lupinc: Muscles and Tendons, Marko Kovačič: Casus belli, Neven Korda: Disko FV 82-83 and Borghesia: Triumf želje. At the very end we will screen the performance Bellum contra solem, which took place in 1991 in Nova Gorica.

Right: Neven Korda: Young Prisoners in the Naked City of Futurists, 2017, 4-channel video installation. Photo: B. Borčić.
Barbara Borčić, art historian and media theorist, program advisor at SCCA-Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts and head of video programs and video archive DIVA Station. She is active as a curator (recently she curated / Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fiction and dystopia, Apollonia, échanges artistiques européens, Strasbourg, 27 January–25 February 2018), lecturer and publicist. She has regularly lectured and published texts, e.g. Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism, Impossible Histories: Historical Avant-Gardes, Neo-Avant-Gardes, and Post-Avant-Gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991 (Massachusetts: MIT Press 2003); What Television Can Be, And What Artists Can Use It For, Amuse Me (Ljubljana: Mestna galerija, 2013); The ŠKUC Gallery, Alternative Culture, and Neue Slowenische Kunst in the 1980s, NSK from Kapital to Capital. Neue Slowenische Kunst – The Event of the Final Decade of Yugoslavia (Ljubljana: Moderna galerija & Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2015). She is the author of the book Celostna umetnina Laibach. Fragmentarni pogled [Gesamtkunst Laibach. Fragmentary View], (Ljubljana: Založba/*cf, 2013).
Photo: Matej Vidmar, City Gallery Nova Gorica
Special thanks for the invitation to Nova Gorica City Gallery, Pavla Jarc and Mateja Poljšak Furlan.
SCCA–Ljubljana is supported by Ljubljana City Municipality, Department for Culture.