Kiblix 2020-2021
Thursday, 15 April 2021, 7pm
Online screening and talk (in Slovene language)
Guests: Miha Horvat, Toni Soprano Meneglejte, Andrea Knezović, Sašo Sedlaček
DIVA Station at Kiblix 2020-2021 Festival
The International Festival of Arts, Technology and Science Kiblix 2020-2021 hosts the DIVA Station archive with a series of events in April and May. The theme of the festival Virtual Worlds Now is focused on the critical evaluation of the intersections and disconnections between the virtual and the physical, and the research and critique of modern technological media and their use in contemporary art, culture and education, which is especially interesting at a time of epidemic constraints, when for many people digital and virtual have become the dominant environment for work, communication, education and entertainment.
In a series of four events under the common title From the Archives of the DIVA Station, we are preparing a series of online video projections on the computer and online art, perception of physicality in a virtual environment, and transmitted feelings. The purpose of online projections is to get acquainted with works from the digital archive, get to know individual authors, and create a space for joint reflection, discussion, and knowledge exchange. Each event will be based on a selection of (including older) works from the archives of the DIVA Station and a conversation with the authors. Deriving from the events’ online context, the focus will be on works that can start a discussion on the new reality of art perception through the digital experience. The conversations will be moderated by Irena Borić and Vesna Bukovec.
- From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Digital Surfaces, 1 April 2021
(Guests: Marko Peljhan and Alenka Pirman) - From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Digital Performances, 15 April 2021
(Guests: Miha Horvat, Toni Soprano Meneglejte, Andrea Knezović and Sašo Sedlaček) - From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Online and Common, 29 April 2021
(Guest: Anja Medved) - From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Body and Identity, 20 May 2021
(Guests: Uršula Berlot, Sara Bezovšek, Aleksandra Saška Gruden, Jasna Hribernik and Saša Spačal)
From the Archives of the DIVA Station: Digital Performances
Curator: Irena Borić
We will watch the video of the tandem son:DA and Erinç Seymen, which is documentation of a performance, held simultaneously in Maribor and Istanbul. Andrea Knezović explores the relationship between the notion of anxiety, helplessness and the ability to perform, act and autonomously express, while Sašo Sedlaček, in his video, problematizes the mass destruction of used technological equipment and its disposal. The screening will be followed by a talk between the selector Irena Borić, the artists and associate of the DIVA Station Vesna Bukovec.

Toni Soprano Meneglejte is half of the former tandem son:DA, active in the Slovenian and international visual arts scene for more than 15 years. Since 2015, she has been working independently, is an intermedia artist, and her diverse practice includes photography, sound performances, space design, scenography, drawing, video, and digital projects using social media.
In the case of son:DA, it should be noted that terms such as artistic tandem, artistic group, duo, connection, etc., were not primarily used by son:DA , but by other authors when referring to son:DA; also in different sources we find different notations of the name son:DA, e.g., son:da, sonDA, sonda, zonda, SON:DA, SON:da, etc. The various designations or uses of the name may stem from the linguistic or syntactic embarrassment into which the somewhat unusual naming »son:DA« puts us. (Polona Tratnik, Catalogue son:DA, 2000–12). The son:DA art collective was active in the period 2000–15. Learn more at In 2020 XY’s artificial intelligence took over the collective’s identity.
son:DA at DIVA Station
Erinç Seymen graduated from Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Painting Department in 2006 and received his MA from Yıldız Technical University Art and Design Faculty, with a thesis about Bob Flanagan. He participated in conferences, and his articles have been published in various magazines on topics such as militarism, nationalism, and gender issues. Since 2002, he has participated in several solo and group exhibitions in Istanbul, Ankara, Vienna, Paris, London, Helsinki, Eindhoven, and Lisbon. The group exhibitions he participated in are: Along the Gates of Urban, K&S Galerie, Berlin (2004); An Atlas of Events, Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon (2007); I Myself am War!, Open Space, Vienna (2008); Istanbul, traversée, Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille, Lille (2009); Moods: A Generation that Goes off the Rails, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris (2010). Erinc Seymen lives and works in Istanbul.
Andrea Knezović (1990, Zagreb) je vizualna konceptualna umetnica in raziskovalka, živeča v Amsterdamu. Magistrirala je na Univerzi v Amsterdamu (2019) in diplomirala (z odliko) iz vizualnih umetnosti na AVA-Akademiji za vizualne umetnosti v Ljubljani (2014). Njeno umetniško raziskovanje se osredotoča na tematiko produkcije vrednosti, 24/7 časovnosti in neoliberalizma, liminalnosti in sodobne ritualizacije v hiper-individualistični dobi. Njeno delo je bilo razstavljeno v muzejih in galerijah po vsem svetu, kot so Narodni muzej in kulturni center Kiribati, Bikenibeu; Galerija Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam; Galerija NEVERNEVERLAND, Amsterdam; Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Ljubljana; Galerija Škuc, Ljubljana; Galerija 12 Star, London, Velika Britanija; Kino Šiška, Ljubljana; Izraelski center za digitalne umetnosti, Holon; Galerija Aksioma, Ljubljana; Flip Project & Galerija Umberto Di Marino, Neapelj; Künstlerhaus, Celovec; Center sodobne umetnosti, Celje in Galerija Hanikah, Sarajevo. Teoretično besedilo je objavila v Lish Journal, Simulacrum Jurnal-Tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur in Bienalu mladih umetnikov Evrope in Sredozemlja (Mladi slovenski umetniki). Njeno delo je del zbirke video arhivov postaje DIVA na SCCA-Ljubljana, v letih 2013 in 2015 pa je bila nominirana za umetniško nagrado Essl.
Andrea Knezović at DIVA Station
Sašo Sedlaček (1974) graduated from sculpture and video at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana (2000). He has received several awards and participated in numerous solo and group shows, including at the Secession in Vienna, the Sixth Taipei Biennial, the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, the Ludwig Museum in Budapest, the October Saloon in Belgrade, Ars Electronica in Linz, Transemdiale 2014 in Berlin and the Museumsquartir (MUMOK, Freiraum) in Vienna. He has been an artist-in-residence at the ISCP in New York, IAMAS in Japan, and The Israeli Center For Digital Art in Holon. Since 2015, he works as Associate Professor at Video and New Media course at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana.
Sedlaček’s primary interest seems to be things that people overlook and the ways in which they can be made useful once again. His work is generally defined by theories of disposal and the use and reuse of cheap technologies and waste materials. His practical and humorous works result from a subversive recycling of scientific, legal, or technological facts and employing DIY (do-it-yourself) and collaborative methods.
Sašo Sedlaček at DIVA Station
Irena Borić is freelance editor, curator and critic. She graduated in Art History and History at the Faculty of Arts, University of Zagreb and Arts And Heritage: Policy, Management and Education at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. She has participated in the projects Economics of Love / Politics of Feelings (2012–), Shame on You! (2013) and net.cube (2015–). She has curated numerous exhibitions, including Truth that Lies (2019) and Low Tones of Earth Song (2019). She has prepared numerous discursive events, co-designed and organized the symposium Irrationality of the Biennial (2018) at MGLC, Ljubljana and the seminar Sketches for the Curriculum: Forms and Challenges of Art Education (2017) at the Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb. She is one of the editors of the independent publishing platform INCA press and a member of the Croatian section of AICA. She curates and organizes the educational program at KIBLA.
Vesna Bukovec (1977) graduated and obtained her master’s degree in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. She is a socially critical author who expresses herself in various media, putting drawing in the foreground in addition to video. She has presented herself at several solo and group exhibitions in the domestic and international space. She also works in the field of graphic design and video art curation. Since 2015 she has been an expert associate of the DIVA Station at SCCA-Ljubljana.
The International Festival of Arts, Technology and Science Kiblix has been organized by KIBLA from Maribor since 2002. It is an open source festival that connects art, technology and science. It problematizes two different aspects: the impact of science and technology on the social life of the individual, and research into the mystery of science that dictates the future. Both, however, try to offer solutions to bridge the powerlessness of the individual in modern society.
It is part of the RUK project (2019-2022). RUK is a network of art and culture research centers on the crossroads of art, science, and technology. In this interdisciplinary triangle, the partners Delavski dom Trbovlje, PiNA and KIBLA on the Trbovlje-Koper-Maribor axis are developing innovative products and services for a humane technology of the future. More about the Kiblix 2020-2021.
The DIVA Station is an online and physical archive that SCCA-Ljubljana has been developing since 2005 to research, document, archive, and present art film, video, and new media art. It is based on the collection of video materials within the extended concept of the national context and includes artists working in Slovenia and/or internationally.
Production: ACE KIBLA and SCCA-Ljubljana/DIVA Station