Group exhibition
3 September – 5 October 2019
Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna
Opening: Monday, 2 September at 7 pm
Vesna Bukovec, SCCA-Ljubljana’s webmaster and co-worker of DIVA Station is participating in a group exhibition at Fotogalerie Wien.

still from a series of 4 videos White Perfomances / Positive Affirmations (2010)
Artists: Adidal Abou-Chamat (DE), Iris Andraschek (AT), Vesna Bukovec (SI), Denis Butorac (HR), Andrés Duque (VE/ES), Brigitte Konyen (AT), Simon Lehner (AT), Erik Levine (US), Marta Zgierska (PL)
Curatorial team of Fotogalerie Wien: Herman Capor, Susanne Gamauf, Brigitte Konyen, Michael Michlmayr, Andreas Müller, Petra Noll-Hammerstiel, Johan Nane Simonsen, Katarína Szabová und Patrick Winkler
Exhibiton Rituals I: Corelations is the first in a series of 4 exhibitions focused on the topic of rituals, curated by the curatorial team of the Fotogalerie Wien. It shows works by artists who are concerned with eliciting the complexities of identity, role models and the ritual structures in the societies and cultures of various countries. On the one hand, their point of departure is their own ego as formed by their (in part, gender specific) experiences of education, tradition, religion and conventions, that may be of social relevance. On the other hand they examine the modes of behaviour, structures and norms of communities that are articulated in ritual expressions. Relational structures are examined which are each influenced by various ritual forms of conduct and interaction. These rituals link specific groups to a community that promises support and security on the one hand and, on the other, may trigger constraints, restrictions and other borderline experiences. The artists selected here visualise the phenomena of “ritual” foremost in the form of metaphors, symbolic staging or the re-working of documentary material.
Vesna Bukovec is showing White Performances / Positive Affirmations, four short videos in which housework is performed in such a manner that its ritual character becomes clearly evident. This is combined with optimistic, auto-suggestive statements that are commonplace in popular self-help culture. The videos are intended to be a critical and ironic questioning with feminist connotations of the individual’s often compulsive search for image, happiness and perfection.These are most specially related to women who are often assigned to these “typical women’s work” household tasks that allegedly give them self-fulfilment.
Vesna Bukovec (1977, Ljubljana) completed her BA and MA degrees in sculpting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana. She works as an indepentend artist and within the artistic group KOLEKTIVA (together with Metka Zupanič and Lada Cerar). She creates in various media (mostly drawing and video, occasionally photography and installations as well), using various procedures (research, appropriation, participation etc.). She has presented herself at many solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad.
Sponsored by: BKA Österreich; MA7-Kultur; Cyberlab
Thanks to: Dejan Sluga, Miha Colnar, Lisl Ponger and the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre SKICA