SCCA-Ljubljana & Kulturni dom Nova Gorica / City Gallery
Encounters with Contemporary Visual Art
Artist talk with Peter Cerovšek and screening
Tuesday, 19 March 2019, 7pm
Kulturni dom Nova Gorica, Bevkov trg 4
The series of three lectures in frame of Encounters with Contemporary Visual Art are the outcome of collaboration between SCCA-Ljubljana and Kulturni dom Nova Gorica. In 2019 co-workers of SCCA-Ljubljana will prepare one lecture in February (Jasna Jernejšek), March (Peter Cerovšek & Dušan Dovč) and April (Barbara Borčić).
You are kindly welcome to join us on Tuesday, March 19 at the artist talk with film director Peter Cerovšek. The discussion will be moderated by Dušan Dovč.
Peter Cerovšek is actively engaged in the film in various roles: as a producer of the short film festivals, film selector, screenwriter, director, critic and publicist. First part of the event will be dedicated to his latest short films: Fundaments (2018) and Home is Where the House is (2019). In the second part, we will watch his older short films that cross the boundary between a conventional feature film and an experimental short film: We Have All Been Here Since Forever (13 ‘, 2016), Trails (7′, 2015) and The Runner (6 ‘, 2014).

Peter Cerovšek is actively engaged in the film in various roles: as a film selector, screenwriter, director, critic and publicist. Among other things, he is the director and selector of the short film festival FeKK in Ljubljana, the president of the Kraken Short Film Society (2014-); member of the DIVA Station Archive (2017-); co-funder of script workshop ”Kratka scena” (2016-); selector of short film programme ”Europe in Short” at the festival Liffe in Ljubljana (2016-); he was Fipresci jury member at the Motovun Film Festival (2016) and at the Festival of Slovenian Film (2017); he wrote film reviews for Radio Študent (2014–2015) and for magazines Ekran, Filmonaut and KINO!.
Filmography (director): Home is Where the House is (Kuća je gdje je kuća), 24′, 2019; Fundaments (Fundamenti), 20′, 2018; We Have All Been Here Since Forever (Vsi smo tu že od nekdaj), 13′, 2016; Trails (Poti), 7′, 2015; The Runner, 6′, 2014.
Photo: Matej Vidmar, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica
Special thanks for the invitation to Nova Gorica City Gallery, Pavla Jarc and Mateja Poljšak Furlan.
SCCA-Ljubljana is supported by City of Ljubljana, Department for Culture.