A two-day online event (on the Zoom platform)
2–3 September 2021, both days from 9 am onward
Registration link
Conference organising committee: Barbara Borčić, Sandra Križić Roban, Marika Kuźmicz, Lana Lovrenčić, Andra Silapētere
Organisations: Arton Foundation, Warsaw, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art – LCCA Riga, Center for Contemporary Arts – SCCA-Ljubljana & Office for Photography, Zagreb
Official language of the conference is English.
We would like to invite you to take part in the conference Not Yet Written Stories. Women Artists in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), which will be held on 2–3 September as an online event (on the Zoom platform).
The purpose of the conference is to shed light on the regional context and to encourage a rethinking of the processes of historiography in addressing gender in the social, political, cultural and artistic contexts in Central and Eastern Europe. Women artists in these environments were often culturally and economically outside the mainstream of the art world and were threatened by double exclusion conditioned by both geopolitical and sexual marginalization. The conference will present a wide context of the roles of women in the arts and culture with papers reflecting the topics in twelve countries, from Latvia to Bulgaria and from Ukraine to Croatia.
Among the 73 proposals for the international conference, 24 papers were selected, including three from Slovenia. Miha Colner will talk about the issue of exclusion in the case of women artists Dragica Čadež and Duba Sambolec. Tia Čiček will present the role of women artists and curators in the work of the ŠKUC Gallery in Ljubljana in the 1980s. Urška Savič will discuss the issue of archives, memory and oblivion in the case of performance and video women artists in Slovenia. The selected conference papers will also be published in the magazine Miejsce, published by the Academy for Fine Arts in Warsaw.
The two-day conference will comprise seven panels devoted to issues such as the work of women artists in the field of both new media and textiles, for example; women’s artistic education; socially and politically engaged art, and many others.
The conference will be inaugurated by a lecture by Professor Leonida Kovač entitled Subversion of the normative heterosexuality in the self-representational works of Nasta Rojc.
The accompanying events will include the screening of Sonja Savić’s films and a performance by Ana Čigon entitled Dear Ladies, Thank you (2011–2013).
>> More info on the conference
Programme (pdf)
If you have any questions, please contact Dr Marika Kuźmicz marika.kuzmicz@fundacjaarton.pl
All papers presented at the conference are published in the online magazine Miesce no. 7/2021 published by Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
Contributions from Slovenia:
- Urška Savič, Reflections on the Archive as a Strategy for Re-writing Histories
- Tia Čiček, Women Curators: Examining Women’s Roles at the ŠKUC Gallery in the 1980s
- Miha Colner, Triple Exclusion and Fierce Determination. Case Studies of Dragica Čadež & Duba Sambolec
Not Yet Written Stories. Women Artists in CEE conference, Day 1
Ana Čigon, performance Dear Ladies, Thank You, Kapelica Gallery, 2011, Source: DIVA Station Archive
Not Yet Written Stories. Women Artists in CEE conference, Day 2, Part 1
Not Yet Written Stories. Women Artists in CEE conference, Day 2, Part 2 (watch on fb)

The conference is part of an international research, exhibition and archival project Not Yet Written Stories – Women Artists’ Archives Online (2020–2022) supported by EU program Creative Europe. In addition to the SCCA-Ljubljana, the partners organisations of the project are: Arton Foundation (Warsaw), Office for Photography (Zagreb) and Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (Riga).