Screening, talk and socializing
Monday, 10 August 2020, 9 pm
Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
The third event of the new programme of screenings and talks on art, video, and film – VideoGarden (VideoDvorišče) in the inner courtyard of the Škuc Gallery brings a selection of experimental short films from previous editions of the FeKK Short Film Festival and is also a pre-event to this year’s festival, which will take place between 17 and 22 August in Ljubljana.
FeKK Experiments
Experimental short films from the Ljubljana Short Film Festival FeKK
Curator: Peter Cerovšek (Kraken Society)
Duration: 53′
In the last edition of the FeKK Short Film Festival in Ljubljana, experimental films, especially by younger authors, stood out strongly in the domestic competition. The Kraken Society for short film promotion, which organizes the FeKK festival, strives for equal treatment of the experimental film form as well as for the wider field of short film (production, distribution, education, promotion …). At the same time, we believe that an experimental film should certainly not be just a shelter within a short form, and the funding of short films should not be treated as a social aid to authors awaiting a feature film. If we do not adequately support the short film form and authors who think about film outside the established and commercial framework of film production, we can be seriously concerned about the future of Slovenian film.
Regional focus is one of the key missions of FeKK, which is why the program is complemented by two excellent experimental films from Croatia and Serbia, which were part of the FeKK YU competition set in the previous editions of the festival.

Slovenia, 2019, 3’

The event will be held in accordance with the recommendations of the National Institute of Public Health.
The event will be postponed in case of rain – we will inform you about the new date via social networks and the websites of the ŠKUC Association, Škuc Gallery and the Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana.
The Kraken Short Film Promotion Society strives to promote short film as an independent film form and to spread film culture in the broadest sense. The main project of the Kraken association is FeKK – a short film festival in Ljubljana, which will have its sixth edition in 2020.
DIVA Station is an online and physical archive that SCCA-Ljubljana has been developing since 2005 with the aim of researching, documenting, archiving and presenting art film, video and new media art.
Photo: Qëndresë Deda and Škuc Gallery archive
Organization: SCCA-Ljubljana / DIVA Station, Kraken Society, Škuc Gallery
Kraken Society and SCCA-Ljubljana are part of the Veliki plan (Close-up) Consortium and supported by the Ministry of Public Administration.
The program of SCCA-Ljubljana is supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana.