Video večer / Video Evening #09
FemLink the International Video Collages: Male
A screening evening
Tuesday, 28. 2. 2012 at 7 pm
Photon Gallery, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana
We are informing you about the exhibition project of art group KOLEKTIVA, co-organized by Vesna Bukovec, SCCA-Ljubljana's webmaster.
In the ninth Video Evening KOLEKTIVA is presenting one of the international video collages organized by FemLink.
This will be the first Video Evening event in the new gallery space of Photon Gallery.

Hiroko Okada: Japanese Don Giovanni talks about women, 2009, still
Video collage composed by:
Participating: Grimanesa Amoros (PE), Myritza Castillo-Irizarry (PR), Darshana Vora (IN), Alessandra Arno (IT), Maria Rosa Jijon (EC), Vouvoula Skoura (GR), Alli Savolainen (FI), Cagdas Kahriman (TR), Siti Almainnah Bte Ab Majid (SG), Ana Husman (HR), Maria Papacharalambous (CY), Véronique Sapin (FR), Chantal duPont (CA), Sabine Mooibroek (NL), Susana Barbará (AR), Yun Aiyoung (KR), Hiroko Okada (JP), C. M. Judge (US), Prilla Tania (ID), Rachida Azdaou (DZ), Evgenija Demnievska (RS), Pélagie Gbaguidi (BJ), Isabel Carvalho (PT), Sabrina Montiel-Sotto (VE), Dorte Jelstrup (DK), Yue Liang (CN), Fatima Mazmouz (MA), Jessica Lagunas (NI), Mónica Dower (MX), Bill Kouelany (CG), Cecilie Dahl (NO)
About FemLink

In 2005, two artists, C.M. Judge (US) and Véronique Sapin (FR) decided to create common art-works which can include women-artists from everywhere in the world. Both, they had the same questions about how they can help women artists who live outside Europe and USA and who have difficulties to create, promote, distribute, exhibit and screen their art work.
They launched FemLink just with this utopian idea to build a link throughout the world between women video artists and their work.
The principle is simple: one artist / one country create a short video for FemLink (2 min. maximum) around a common topic.
The Video-Collages allready created are :
- FRAGILITY (32 artists - 32 videos - 60 min);
- RESISTANCE (32 artists - 32 videos - 57 min);
- PREOCCUPATION (34 videos, 34 artists 60 min);
- MALE (32 videos - 32 artists - 58 min),
The current topics are: WONDER, AGGRESSION, VITAL
More info:
Photon Gallery
Centre for Contemporary Photography of Central and Sout East Europe
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
t: +386 1 2302071
Opening time: Monday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Weekends and festive days closed
Production: Kolektiva Institute
Co-production: Gallery Photon, FemLink
Video večer / Video Evening is a monthly event orginzed by Kolektiva Institute in Photon Gallery in which video selections prepared by various invited artists, curators, institutions, asociations or festivals are screened.
[Published February 24, 2012]