The second Lecture of the World of Art in the School year 2008/2009
Eda Čufer
Occupation dramaturge, curator, editor
December 10, 2008
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
On Wednesday, 11th of December 2008, a well visited lecture by Eda Čufer titled Occupation dramaturge, curator, editor was being held within the Laboratory of curatorial practices.
Eda Čufer, dramaturge, curator and publicist, talked about the question of history and present conditions of certain cultural occupations. Starting from her personal experiences, the lecture tried to articulate similarities and differences in the professional practices of dramaturge and curator, while putting the question of an editor aside. What the lecturer wanted to put across, was also the importance of these professions in creating dialogue amongst people working on a certain project.
The lecture tried to link up several complexes of thought, but maybe the most interesting questions developed during the debate which followed. What became obvious was the exposed difference of thought and action in curatorial and dramaturge practices after and before 1989.
Petja Grafenauer
