Talk and screening
Wednesday, 1 February 2023, 7 pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Back2Back is a series of events where we invite local and international authors to present their production and establish a dialogue with works of their choice from the DIVA Station archive.
Visual artist and performer Tatiana Kocmur has prepared a selection of works in which she perceives the range of living longings and emotions. She connected them with her video performance Sunflower, created during the period of social restrictions during the covid-19 pandemic.
The video performance Sunflower was created in the fall of 2020 before the epidemic was declared again in Slovenia. A performance without an audience, recorded on the seashore, silently announces another closure of society. The health crisis and the fear of death, which made it difficult and even prevented physical interaction and social life, intuitively triggered me to think about a limited body and alternative ways of communicating in a limited physical space. The peaceful environment, where I perform slow and sacred movements with 1.5 m long sticks made of wood found on the coast, relaxes and calms me. Circular movements give a feeling of cyclicity – endless grace and rest from the turbulent events of the crisis time.
The period that lasts in bodies and groups evokes (contradictory) individual and collective longings for freedom (Marjan Gumilar, Pogled), autonomy (Maja Slavec, Revaluation), interaction (Nataša Skušek, You Will See…), solitude (Nataša Prosenc Stearns, Untitled, 27 March 2020), rehabilitation (Danilo Milovanović, Cover), equilibrium (Uršula Berlot, Fluid strength), infinity (Saša Spačal, Mycophone_unison) and more.
Tatiana Kocmur
Curator: Tatiana Kocmur
Duration: 60′
Tatiana Kocmur (1992) graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana in 2015. In 2020, she completed her postgraduate studies in painting with a master’s thesis, Body installation – between performance and object. Since 2013, she has been exhibiting and performing at various exhibition venues around Slovenia. She presented herself in Skopje, Milan, Bologna and Berlin. Her artistic practice moves between painting and live art. She also works as a producer of contemporary art (producer of Circulation 2, co-initiator of the platform for the production, exhibition and research of performative art TRANSLACIJA/TRASLACIÓN). Her practice is characterized by collaborations with artists from various fields. The works created during close cooperation reflect common interests and bear the specificity of the interweaving of artistic approaches that differ from each other – in terms of themes, method of execution and use of materials and media. The common denominator is an interest in live art and/or creating events involving female artists’ bodies. In 2021, she received a working scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. (Photo: Natalija Gajić)
DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video and new-media art which has been developing since 2005 and is also a broader compendium of SCCA projects that seek to research, present, document and archive video/new-media art.
Videospotting are curated and thematic programs of video art, which have been created since 1994 in the form of lectures, public discussions, exhibitions and screenings.
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana/DIVA Station
Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and City of Ljubljana – Department for Culture