Premiere on Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Lecture on Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 7 pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

We invite you to watch two photo animations online, which at the moment of public announcement are already in the digital video archive of DIVA Station, co-organizer of the online premiere:
Ditopia Atmos Ljubljana (2024): co-production of IEM and Zavod Kersnikova, executive organizer Cirkulacija 2, support of MOL, department of culture
Ditopia Kibla Remix (2024): produced by KID KIBLA in collaboration with IEM
Photo performer and author of video and music: Marko Košnik, video/music studio IEM
The author will accompany the online publication of the works with a lecture on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 at 7 pm in the SCCA Project Room.

Walking photography, with a two-to-three-step click, that guides us continuously from one location to another until we return to the starting position, consists of consecutive photos, but not necessarily at consecutive time intervals. If we reach the closed doors of the gallery and return at the opening of the exhibition to continue with the session around the exhibition area and casually portray the performers and the audience, we will otherwise maintain a federal path, but the intermediate time delays that in the respective “ditopias” can jump for a few hours, a day or two, a week, a month, … they finally reached 15 years, until the last locations recorded in 2024.
From the first interactive installation in Station Mir, Heuroville St. Clair (2004), ditopias have come a long way, from the Modern Gallery Ljubljana (2004) to the Tesla Media Center in Berlin (2006) and the Rigo Gallery in Novigrad (2007 – 2008), and further iterations in Maribor, Ljubljana and MMSU Rijeka in 2009. All the works were interactive, first as digital mirrors for the participating audience, and then we transformed the video tracking system into a tool for manual control of “walking” around the original locations and surrounding spaces. The last installation of its kind, Ditopia LUX in MSUM (2016), also enabled us to trek 14 kilometers via Istanbul among three more changes of “walking” locations.
We premiered the first of the walking ditopias, which we transformed into a completed cinematic work, Ditopia Memotopia 2021, at the 12th Arterija festival in Novigrad (2021).