ALF Contact Point in Slovenia was managed by SCCA-Ljubljana in the period 2008-2011.
Information about The Anna Lindh Foundation is available on its website:
ALF Contact Point in Slovenia
Information Office of the ALF Network in Slovenia (archived website)
Dušan Dovč, Head of Alf Contact Point in Slovenia (2008-)
Špela Škulj, assistant
Contact: Dušan Dovč, Špela Škulj (
Anna Lindh Foundation

The Anna Lindh Foundation is an organisation shared and resourced by over forty Euro-Mediterranean countries, to bring people together as a way to promote dialogue between cultures and respect for diversity.
To fulfil this objective, the Foundation leads regional initiatives in the Euromed space and support local activities carried out by organisations based across civil society which advocate for a better understanding among people, religions and beliefs, and champion human rights and democracy.
The Foundation is a central Actor of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and a facilitator of the participation of civil society in the 'Union for the Mediterranean'. It works also as a Centre for Information and Dissemination of this initiative, and as an Observatory of intercultural dialogue in the region.
The Foundation coordinates a Euro-Mediterranean Network gathering hundreds of social and institutional bodies which share the values of the Foundation and work to make dialogue, peace and prosperity possible in the region.
ALF Network in Slovenia
The Slovene network is an informal network of public and private non-profit organizations. The network:
- supports and helps the Slovene members to participate at the activities of ALF,
- participates in the boards and decision making of ALF,
- restores solid and stable connection with the headquarters of ALF,
- acts as a promoter of aims and activities of ALF and the Slovene network.
Head of the Slovene network ALF (2011) is Igor Brlek (Študentska založba, Borštnikov trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, tel: + 386 1 252 26 18; e-mail:
ALF Contact Point in Slovenia
In the period 2008-2010, ALF Contact Point in Slovenia is managed by SCCA-Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts.
ALF Contact Point in Slovenia:
- informs Slovene members about the activities of the Slovene network and the activities and initiatives of ALF,
- advises Slovene members, applying at the ALF open calls and at partners searches,
- organizes annual meeting of the Slovene network and archives documentation of the Slovene network,
- participates at the debates about the orientation of ALF programs and open calls procedures.
Head of Contact Point ALF in Slovenia is Dušan Dovč (SCCA Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana, tel. + 386 1 431 83 85, e-mail:
ALF Contact Point in Slovenia is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia.
SCCA-Ljubljana also acts as a support organization that provides information and advisory support system for arts and culture: Artservis, Evrokultura, Cultural Contact Point Slovenia (2002-2013) and ALF Contact Point in Slovenia (2008-2011).
The main characteristic of all the programs is open and free access for all users operating in Slovenia/world-wide in the field of arts and culture.
SCCA is also the national coordinator of ArtsLink, an international program supporting residences and collaborative projects in cooperation with USA organizations and artists.