Archiving Practices

A series of projects with the Archiving Practices are discussing the issue of the production and dissemination of video (& new media) archives on a practical and theoretical level.
To emphasise the meaning of audio visual archives and their accessibility we conduct research, curate exhibitions and organise educational seminars on the topic of “practices of archiving video and media art” in order to present the local circumstances, compare them to successful international practices, and establish long term collaborations. At the same time, we have also examined our own archival projects and international platforms.
We work on the premises that in the present day documentation and archiving are necessary for the understanding of contemporary visual and media art praxis. Establishing archives, promoting their use, accessibility, dissemination and defining their ownership are important questions that are still not sufficiently exposed in the Slovenian cultural environment. We have set ourselves a task to present significant archival models (experimental, systematic, partial) that are already in use, to address and promote their functionalities and mutual interconnections.
Furthermore, we wish to support and promote the praxis of open and constructive exchange and emancipated work by the artists in the system of contemporary art. We believe that important part of this system, are also post-production processes (documentation, archiving, dissemination) and independent production of individual archives, that include availability and visibility of their presentation materials.
Within the theoretical and practical engagement with archives we strive:
- To establish a platform for preservation, presentation and dissemination of the audiovisual contents (contextual level).
- To trigger the institutional change, i.e. to make possible the inclusion of the audiovisual/video archives under the sector of the national cultural heritage (political level).
- To present models and means of preservation, presentational strategies and possibilities of dissemination (theoretical level).
- To educate the artists in production of digital archives and to inform them about the models of archiving for the purposes of storage or presentation and dissemination (practical level).
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (2017)
Focus: Appropriation practices in video art and collaboration of Ursula Blickle Video Archiv from Vienna
Screenings: The world is obliged to live you (selection: Anita Budimir/DIVA Station), Chance Meeting (selection: Claudia Slanar/Ursula Blickle Archiv)
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (2016)
Focus: Dialogue between newer and older video art and collaboration of DIVA Station and Argos archive from Brussels
Screenings: Fresh Perspective (selection: Vesna Bukovec/DIVA Station), Argos Presents (selection: Sofie Ruysseveldt, Andrea Cinel/Argos)
Presentation: Centre for art and media Argos (Belgium)
Self-archiving & archiving of the artistic networks (2014)
Focus: Artistic self-archives & archiving of the networks as well as on distribution platforms
Installation & screening: Darko Fritz (Archives in Progress, [New] Tendencies, various AV archives) and AV-arkki (Finland)
Presentation: Darko Fritz (Croatia)
What is the meaning of AV archives? (2011)
Focus: Meaning and options of artistic and/or discursive archives
Screening: Benjamin Cook (Lux, London), lecture: Andrej Pezelj (SCCA-Ljubljana), installation and performance: Dan Oki (Split, Amsterdam)
Archivinig of multimedia art. Three Case Studies (2010)
Focus: Models of archiving (event with exhibition presentation)
Artists: Neven Korda, Nika Špan, Miha Vipotnik
How to connect contents of AV archives? (2010)
Focus: Archive as the structural and technical content of the art work or project
Lecture and screening: Stephen Kovats
(Transmediale, Berlin), lecture, installation and
videos: Dalibor Martinis (Zagreb), screening and workshop: Wiel Seuskens (NIMk, Amsterdam),
workshop: Neven Korda (video artist)
DIVA at Škuc Gallery (2009)
Focus: Study exhibition showcases the DIVA Station archive of SCCA-Ljubljana, presenting it as a 'live archive'
The exhibition includes an educational programme, practical demonstrations, theoretical contributions; representative video works, curatorial selections and international collaboration, and also presents theoretical, practical and artistic aspects of audio-visual archives of contemporary art.
What is going on concerning audiovisual archives? (2007)
Focus: Institutional exemplary practices of AV archives
Lecture and screening: Gaby Wijers (NIMk, Amsterdam), Heike Helfert (ZKM, Karlsruhe; Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Linz)
Panel: artists: Vuk Čosić, Damijan Kracina, Borut Savski, Rene Rusjan, Miha Vipotnik, Sašo Sedlaček; curator: Igor Španjol; e-ARCHIVE project group: Barbara Borčić, Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda, Teja Rot, Miha Colner, Ida Hiršenfelder, Dušan Dovč
What is to be done with audiovisual archives? (2005)
Focus: The status of digital audiovisual archives and their accessibility. Presentation of case studies of successful individual/non-institutional AV archives and a workshop of production of digital archives
Lecture: Mona Schieren (Fine Art Academy, Bremen), Christian Vanderborght (European Independent BroadBank, Pariz), Rotraut Pape (Fine Art Academy, Hamburg, Berlin)
Workshop/artists: Gerard Couty and Christian Vanderborght (Paris, Berlin), Neven Korda and Damijan Kracina
Panel: Zemira Alajbegović (video artist and journalist), Melita Zajc (media theoretician), Samo Zorc (Ministry of Information Society), Martin Horvat (City Museum Ljubljana), Barbara Borčić (SCCA-Ljubljana), Neven Korda (video artist)