No Nails, No Pedestals
Series of artistic and discursive projects Performances/installations/presentations

No Nails, No Pedestals (Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana) is presenting authors, working in the field of contemporary artistic practices (installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary & web projects).
The artists can present their works by using different media and program tools for presentation on computer screens, television sets and wall projections. The audience is encouraged to reflect the works and intervene in the discussion and thus add to the interpretational level of artistic practices with their feedback.
Head of the program: Barbara Borčić, Dušan Dovč
Selection of artists in 2016: Barbara Borčić, Vesna Bukovec, Dušan Dovč
Project Room plan (pdf)
Program 2017
Program 2016
Program 2015
Program 2014
Program 2013
Program 2012
Program 2011
Program 2010
Program 2009
Program 2008
Program 2007
Program 2017
Nika Oblak & Primož Novak:
And Now for Something Completely Different 8
Artist talk and presentation of video installation
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Kent Chan: Image archives and independent spaces.
An infinite array of images and the custodial individual
Artist talk and presentation of exhibition project
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Yunnia Yang: TAIWAN VIDEA 2017 Selection
The Taiwanese Avant-garde Video Screening Project
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Irena Tomažin: Glas med vrsticami / Voice between the Lines
Sound intervention and performance
May 31, 2017
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Program 2016
Miha Šubic: Mešano na žaru / Mixed Grill
Screening of animations, featured and documentary films, discussion
December 20, 2016
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Boštjan Čadež – Fšk: Modulirani ambient / Modulated Ambient
September 21-22, 2016
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Davorin Marc: From the Closet. And Beyond.
Monday 9, 2016
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Miha Vipotnik: Od delcev do trkov / From Particles to Collisons
Januar 6, 2016
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Program 2015
Miha Knific 9. 12. 2015
Ana Čigon
27. 10. 2015
Sanela Jahić 11. 2.–20. 2. 2015
Program 2014
Darko Fritz: Artistic self-archives & archiving of the networks
Presentation & installation
October 27, 2014, from 5 pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Darko Fritz, media artist, curator and researcher presented a site specific installation of multimedia case studies such as (Archives in Progress, [New] Tendencies, various AV archives).
Program 2013
Koni Steinbacher – Artist and Mentor
Presentation and screening
December 4, 2013, at 6 pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
For the past several years, SCCA-Ljubljana has been organising animation-related events in the festive season as part of DIVA Station, a physical and web archive of video and new-media art. Animated video and film heritage is one of the fields DIVA Station is documenting, to see how it relates to the present. By inviting guest animators for a Q&A focusing on their animation methods and techniques, we spark off a debate on the past and present animation production. In 2013 we hosted Koni Steinbacher, a pioneer of animation filmmaking in Slovenia.
At the Eye Level
Presentation of the Berlin’s Kolonie Wedding
October 18, 2013, at 6 pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
The Berlin’s Kolonie Wedding is an association of non-commercial artistic spaces in the Berlin’s quartier called Wedding, which started as an initiative supporting a tenant (management) co-operative of the Soldinerstrasse community, established in 2001. The support given to the autonomous managers in the Wedding quarter has gradually turned into an initiative oriented to the transformation of degraded spaces into exhibition and project spaces. The presentation of the Kolonie Wedding activities in the SCCA Project Room accompanied the exhibition at the Alkatraz Gallery. The presentation was produced in the collaboration with KUD Mreža / Alkatraz Gallery.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns: Mixed Media
Exhibition, screening and discussion
November 3–11, 2013
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Nataša Prosenc Stearns is Slovene artist living in Los Angeles and is rarely presented in Slovenia. SCCA-Ljubljana is keeping intensive contacts with the artists by including her video works in the archive DIVA Station and by curating her video works in Videospotting program. In 2013 we produced an exhibition overview of her latest works accompanied with screening and discussion entitled Mixed Media.
Program 2012
Neven Korda: WHOx3. I am, The Second.
Video ambient and performance
Wednesday, June 27, 9 p. m.
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Video Turn analyses main formal and conceptual characteristics of video language through various working methods (analysis, curating, critical writing, interviews, collecting audiovisual works and documents, workshops, lectures, panel discussions, presentations). Neven Korda will prepare for the Video Turn project a video ambient and performance questioning his artistic position within the video art.
Marko Košnik: Shuffle in a Hidden Garden
Wednesday, March 7, 2012, at 8 pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
For his intervention at SCCA Project Room, the artist prepared a table-installation which is based on a number of collections of digital sound and video patterns that have been pre-prepared for various performances, video instruments and sound projects in the last two decades. The material will be projected from different sources according to the principles of random shuffle and on the basis of various rules of classification: aleatorics, priority and condition choice (chance, probability), space-installed selection, coincidence operation.
Program 2011
Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič: Socialization of the bull?
Behind the scene of an animation film production (documentation, presentation, discussion)
December 14-29, 2011, at 8pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Zvonko Čoh and Milan Erič, authors of the first Slovene animated full-length film Socialization of the bull? (78 minutes, produced by ŠKUC, Emotionfilm, RTV Slovenija, 1998) took us behind the scenes of this animated film. In their own and humorous manner.
Polonca Lovšin: Back to the City
Exhibition and presentation of artistic work
16–30 November 2011
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
The exhibition and presentation of work of Polonca Lovšin, a versatile locally and internationally recognised artist who works in the field of artistic intervention, public art, video performance and animation.
Tomaž Furlan: Wear
Exhibition and presentation
June 15-24, 2011
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Tomaž Furlan has been working on his sculptural and video project in progress, entitled Wear, since 2006. This is already the twelfth edition in the series. The artist says that Wear is "some sort of a critical reflection on the basic use of interactive works or, as it were, sculpture, which have emerged as extended body functions in a forced process".
GO! Practising theory – Art & Life
Performative lecture and discussion in the framework of 12th festival Red Dawns 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2001, at 8 pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
To elaborate upon the subject of practicing theory from the artist’s point of view, first of all we (artistic tandem GioGio) would like to give a short insight into the work of one of the most influential and controversial artists of the 20th century – Joseph Beuys.
Program 2010
Dušan Kastelic: Chicory 'n' Coffe
Behind the scene of an animation film production (documentation, presentation, discussion)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010, at 6 pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
The screening will be followed by presentation and discussion which we are eager to experience. In the Project Room SCCA, Dušan Kastelic will introduce the audience to the backstage work on his animated film Chicory 'n' Coffe (2008) and its virtual scenery. We will discuss the possibilities of modeling 3D figures and whether 3D software programs are able to create objects in a similar way as the sculptors model their sculptures.
Marko Brecelj
Public interview
Tuesday, November 23, 5 pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Public interview, moderated by Tanja Lesničar - Pučko (translator and journalist) was focused on artist and activist Marko Brecelj questioning his long term practice, especially projects that were exposed to censorships by politics, religion or legislation. Amongst them his so called soft terrorism actions.
Lena Cobangbang: The Road to Success is under Repair. The Manila Art Scene
Presentation and video screening
Wednesday, February 17, 2010, at 7 pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
No Nails, No Pedestals is presenting authors, working in the field of contemporary artistic practices (installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary & web projects). Lena Cobangbang, multimedia artist who lives and works in the Philippines presentated her work and artistic scene in Manila.
Program 2009
Regina José Galindo: Artist's Talk
Presentation and video screening
Saturday, October 17, 2009, at 5pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
15. International Festival of Contemporary Arts - City of, entitled Global South, will hostRegina José Galindo from Guatemala. In Project Room SCCA, the artist will present her artistic practice in a form of artist's talk and screen two videos?Quién puede borrar las huellas? / Who Can Remove the Traces (production: R.J.G., 2003) and CRISIS dignity (production: Futura, Czecz Republic, 2009).
Kolja Saksida: Kiddo - The Slingshot / Mulc - frača
Behind the scene of a stop-motion animation film production (photography and video documentation, lecture)
7. October 2009
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Kolja Saksida has been involved in stop-motion (puppet) animation film for years now, significantly contributing to its development in Slovenia as one of the most penetrating and active creators in the period that highlighted this exciting technique. In the Project Room SCCA, Kolja Saksida will introduce the audience to the backstage work on his latest animated film Kiddo - The Slingshot (the first part of a series of animated films).
Amirali Ghazemi: Parallel Paths of Contemporary Iranian Art
13. May 2009
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
A multimedia lecture and an artistic intervention, performed by Amirali Ghazemi will present Ghazemi's curatorial work, particularly his eleven years long collaboration with Teheran underground Parkingallery and his collaboration with International Roaming Biennial of Tehran.
Program 2008
Apolonija Šušteršič: "Social transfer" in contemporary art and architecture
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
15. January 2008
Apolonija Šušteršič explores the physical, psychological, social and political aspects of public space and architecture. Through the discussion in Project Room SCCA, she presented some of her recent works: Sunset Cinema, Luxembourg (2007), Garden Service at Edinburgh International Festival (2007), Cinema/Studio, Hybrid Activity, Leidse Rijn, Utrecht (2004), Community Research Project, Ibid. Projects, London (2003).
Nika Špan: Pollution in art
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
22. April 2008
In the 20-minute lecture presented as a sound and visual event, Nika Špan will try to reflect and define,what pollution in art means. Artist's intention is to clarify the meaning of the visitor's spontaneous dissatisfaction: "This is just a pollution," while watching an exhibition or an art work.
Rene Rusjan: Library SCCA, Part 2
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
3. June 2008
Rene Rusjan created a personal guide through SCCA Library in 2007. A year later she presented the initiative and the invitation.
Sašo Sedlaček: Infocalipyse now!
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
22. October 2008
Infocalypse Now! is an initiative for the creation of an autonomous media zone in the 700 MHz spectrum, within which analogue television stations broadcast at present. In project room SCCA Sašo will tackle the potential of the arts for efficient contemporary activism and for systemic changes in media on the national level.
Robertina Šebjanič: Pufination
Project room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
17. December 2008
Pufis represent microorganisms living in an open ecosystem, while the collection of objects functions as a sensitive sensory network. The visitor is subsumed into the artificially produced "biosphere" through active sensor-based interaction.
Program 2007
Presentation and discussion
June 15, 2007
Bull.Miletic (, founded 2000 in San Francisco, California, is the team of two artists Synne Bull (1973, Oslo, Norway) and Dragan Miletić (1970, Novi Sad, Srbia). Presentation of their video works and video installations. Discussion about their artistic strategies.
Rene Rusjan: Library SCCA 2007--
Presentation, discussion, reading
October 18, 2007
Rene Rusjan created a personal guide through SCCA Library.
A guide (in Slovene) is available at:
Zmago Lenardič: Liquid Space. Fireworks / Network / Suicide
Lecture and discussion on the occasion of launch of artist's homepage in the frame of Internet Portfolio
November 22, 2007, Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, program Media Fokus, Trg celjskih knezov 8, Celje
Artist's homepage:
Until 2007, the concept of the program Studio 6 has experienced its experimental phase. It was implemented in the mutual frame of contents and organizational scheme together with another SCCA program entitled No Nails, No Pedestals, which is presenting authors, working in the field of contemporary artistic practices (installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary & web projects).