The contemporary art practice and its context and SCCA-Ljubljana programs in a form of exhibitions and/or presentations.
Exhibition on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the World of Art | School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing
9 – 26 May 2017
Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
Somethin’s Written
Group exhibition
2 March – 2 April 2017
Vodnikova domačija Gallery, Ljubljana
Proximity Effect
The image of transition displayed in video works or
how the space has been disintegrating.
15 March–8 May 2016
Vžigalica Gallery, Trg francoske revolucije 7, Ljubljana
Words as Colours, Colours as Words
Art Walk Through Poetry
21 January–14 February 2016
Vodnikova domačija Gallery, Ljubljana
Jasna Hribernik: (Post)Production
Nataša Prosenc Stearns: Night Spring, Wishing Well
Exhibition of video installations
1 December 2015 – 10 January 2016
Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana
Words as Colours, Colours as Words
Main Days of Poetry and Wine 2015 festival exhibition
26–29 August 2015
Old Glassware Workshop, Ptuj
Race with Time 2. Performance in a Rear-view Mirror
Exhibition and presentation
June 15– July 7, 2015
Gallery: Put Sv. Nikole bb, Korčula, Croatia
grey) (area space for contemporary and media art
Industrial Landscape and Feedback Loop
Exhibition of video works
October 30–November 10, 2014
Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb (library foyer and media facade)
Race with Time. Performance in a Rear-view Mirror
Exhibition and panel discussion
June 5–16, 2014
Slovenski gledališki inštitut (National Theatre Museum/Institute),
Mestni trg 17, Ljubljana
The Closing Stop
Exhibition & research project
Overview of visual art scene in ACC Metelkova City
September 10–22, 2013
Ljubljana, ACC Metelkova City, various venues
Line Stroke the Letter
Exhibition and lecture performance
Artists: Vesna Bukovec, Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič, Zvonko Čoh in Milan Erič, Dejan Habicht, Marko A. Kovačič, Damijan Kracina, Amir Muratović, Alenka Pirman, Nataša Prosenc, Zoran Srdič Janežič, Petra Varl, Rajko Vidrih, Jaka Železnikar
September 5 –October 27, 2013
Vžigalica Gallery, Trg franc. revolucije 7, Ljubljana
Video Turn
Experimental Research & Exhibition Project
(Installations, Screenings, Performances, Lectures, Workshop)
Neven Korda: Dominant Black
Home (J. Petkovšek)
Miha Vipotnik in cooperation with Sergej Kapus and the students of Academy of Fine Arts and Design
November 13–29, 2012
Vžigalica Gallery, Trg franc. revolucije 7, Ljubljana
A Mid-Stop
Exhibition & research project
Overview of visual art scene in ACC Metelkova City
September 6–25, 2012
Ljubljana, ACC Metelkova City, various venues
Place of Memory and Place of Play
Exhibition at the twentieth anniversary of the OSI-Slovenia
June 5, 2012
City Museum of Ljubljana, Gosposka 15, Ljubljana
Exhibition of Ready to Print art editions
March 15-25, 2012
International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Pod turnom 3, Ljubljana
Studio 6 presents: CAC Bukovje (SLO) and Studio Golo Brdo (CRO)
Exhibition, lecture, teatime
23 November-11 December 2011
Opening and lecture: Wednesday, 23 November, at 6 pm
Vžigalica Gallery, Trg franc. revolucije 7, Ljubljana
What is the meaning of AV archives?
Lectures, screening, installation and performance
Web site DIVA Station (
October 27th, 2011
Kapelica Gallery, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Words in Space, Space in Words
Exhibition, installation, performance, screenings, artists' studios
September 8th, 9th, 12th-15th, 2011
AKC Metelkova City and Project Room SCCA
Tadej Pogačar: Quarter to Two
Guided tour through the exhibition
Alkatraz Gallery, Metelkova City, Ljubljana
April 13-May 6, 2011
Archivinig of multimedia art. Three Case Studies
Exhibition with accompanying program
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
November 19-December 6, 2010
Tomislav Brajnović: Expedition_Ego
Alkatraz Gallery, AKC Metelkova mesto
October 27-November 12, 2010
How to connect contents of AV archives?
Exhibition, Lectures, Screenings, Workshop
Vžigalica Gallery, Trg Francoske revolucije 7, Ljubljana
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
October 12 - 15, 2010
Exhibition & service platform
Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana,
Vžigalica Gallery, Trg Francoske revolucije 7, Ljubljana
April 6-25, 2010
Female Artist - the Art of Survival
Exhibition of contemporary feminist art from Slovenia
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
March 4-8, 2010
Around the world of art in 4.380 days
Alkatraz Gallery, AKC Metelkova City,
October 30-November 20, 2009
DIVA at Škuc Gallery
Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
May 28-June 20, 2009
A study exhibition entitled DIVA at Škuc Gallery showcases the DIVA Station archive of SCCA-Ljubljana, presenting it as a 'live archive'. It includes an educational programme, practical demonstrations, theoretical contributions, representative video works, curatorial selections and international collaboration, and also presents theoretical, practical and artistic aspects of audio-visual archives of contemporary art.
Women are coming!
Project Room SCCA, Ljubljana, March 5-8, 2009
Exhibition of contemporary feminist art from Slovenia
Project Room SCCA, Ljubljana
The exhibition project aspires to the most thorough display of the art production that could be defined as socially engaged and feminist art in Slovenia. The project is a result of theoretical conclusions, written by Ana Grobler in her diploma work entitled Feminist Art
in Slovenia. Influences of Women Groups, Movements and Social Environment (ALUO, 2008) and was a part of the tenth edition of festival Red Dawns.
January 18 - March 2, 2008, The Foundation & Gallery 3,14, Bergen, Norway
Video exhibition, presentation and lecture by
Barbara Borčič
The screening consisted of three curated programs: Videodokument_Presents, Eyedentify Yourself, and Creatures II.
What is going on concerning audiovisual archives? (2007)
International seminar: workshop, lectures, presentations, exhibition, panel
Focus: institucional examplary practices of AV archives
What is to be done with audiovisual archives? (2005)
The international reasearch project: workshop, lectures, panel, exhibition on the theme of the status of digital audiovisual archives and their accessibility.
WORLD OF ART. School of Contemporary Art
(since 1997)
The course for curators' final exhibitions.
Videospotting and Videodokument
on festival Dotik
Bunker in the Square of May 1, Udine, May 13, 2004
The exhibition/instalation of video art from Slovenia.
SCCA-Ljubljana (Lupa)
Menza pri koritu, Metelkova City, Ljubljana, October 21, 2002
Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana has used the form of an exhibition to show its past and current projects and activities.
Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, April 8- May 4, 2000
Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana is using the form of an exhibition to show its past, present and future operation. The exhibition entitled "SCCA-LJUBLJANA" is on view in frame of the yearly series "International Galleries and Institutions".
Salty Past
photo exhibition by
Aleksandras Macijauskas in Antanas Sutkus.
Galerija Loža (Obalne galerije Piran), Koper (June 6-20, 1997);
Mestna galerija Ljubljana (June 30-July 1, 1997)
Exhibition concept: Raminta Jurenaite, Lilijana Stepančič
The exhibition was presented in Koper by Raminta Jurenaite, Director SCCA-Vilnius and in Ljubljana by Barbara Borčić, Director SCCA-Ljubljana.
Media in Media
City Art Museum Ljubljana, Slovene Cinematheque, RTV Slovenia, internet, Ljubljana, January 9-30, 1997
The exhibition project that dealt with the reception and interpretation of mass media through the historic viewpoint and contemporary works.
The exhibition project consisted of exhibition (Dara Birnbaum, Dragomil Bole, Michael Brodsky, Rosa Brueckl, Gregor Schmoll, Veronika Dreier, Marina Gržinić, Aina Šmid, Thomas Korschil, Marko Kovačič, Damijan Kracina, Dalibor Martinis, Hans-Jorg Mayer, Peter Weibel), internet projects (Vuk Ćosić, Peter G. Hoffman), television spots (Irwin, Marko Peljhan/Projekt Atol) and avant-garde films (Bruce Conner, Ken Jacobs, Peter Tscherkassky, Mattias Muller, Martin Arnold).
Urbanaria I & II
Urbanaria I (NUK, Ljubljana, November 25-December 24,1994) &
Urbanaria II (different venues, January, 1995-November, 1997)
Urbanaria's general concept was art in the urban context. The public announcement was open to all forms of expression and visual media. Out of 52 proposals the international expert jury selected 14 projects.
The Urbanaria - Part One had primarily a character of a research. Its conclusion was a conceptual exhibition of all submitted proposals entitled "Sketches/Documents of the Production Process", accompanied by a catalogue.
Urbanaria - Part Two comprised thirteen separate projects, installations, actions and events, presented in the second catalogue. The common characteristic of these projects was that they exploited the effectiveness of advertising, design and the mass media.
Studio 6
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Studio 6 is encouraging discussions on contemporary artistic practices; it establishes constructive collaboration of different profiles from the art world (artists, curators, critics, theorists), offers space for presentation of artistic actions and ensures their reflection.
No Nails, No Pedestals
No Nails, No Pedestals is presenting authors, working predominantly in the field of contemporary digital media (installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary projects).