Cultural Contact Point Slovenia
National information office for the EU programme Culture
Mateja Lazar, Head of CCP Slovenia (2002-)
Maša Ekar, CCP assistant (2006-)
Contact: Mateja Lazar (, Maša Ekar (
Cultural Contact Point Slovenia (CCP Slovenia) is the national information office for Culture Programme, the cultural programme of the EU supporting international arts and cultural projects with European dimension.
CCP Slovenia is responsible for the promotion of the programme on the national level, for dissemination and exchange of information related to the implementation of the programme; it provides assistance in searching partner organisations and offers technical support for users.
CCP Slovenia was established in 2002 within the SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana. CCP Slovenia is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission.
Culture Programme is a seven-year (2007-13) programme for community measures in the field of culture open to all cultural sectors and all categories of cultural operators, that promote the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector, encourage the transnational circulation of works and cultural and artistic products as well as intercultural dialogue.
The Programme enhance the cultural area shared by Europeans and is based on a common cultural heritage through development of cultural cooperation between the creators, cultural players and cultural institutions of the countries taking part in the Programme, with a view to encouraging the emergence of European citizenship.
The budget amount for the seven-year period is set at 400 million EUR.
The support is available for projects submitted to annual public calls for proposals by cultural organisations from the 27 EU Member States, the three
countries of the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), and since 2007, also from Croatia and Turkey.
SCCA-Ljubljana also acts as a support organization that provides information and advisory support system for arts and culture: Artservis, Evrokultura, Cultural Contact Point Slovenia (2002-2013) and ALF Contact Point in Slovenia (2008-2011).
The main characteristic of all the programs is open and free access for all users operating in Slovenia/world-wide in the field of arts and culture.
SCCA is also the national coordinator of ArtsLink, an international program supporting residences and collaborative projects in cooperation with USA organizations and artists.