SCCA Library

SCCA Project Room
Metelkova 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Opening hours: Wednesday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (or by agreement)
Time of borrowing the material is 21 days.
SCCA Library is a collection of Slovene and international books, catalogues and periodicals on contemporary art and art theory. It is focused on curatorial practices and media & video art and holds numerous publications from the region (Central and Eastern Europe and Asia). In the near future, we plan to compile an even more comprehensive collection of books, catalogues and referential texts on media & video art, mainly on the basis of exchange and donations. Loan period for borrowing is 21 days.
Database and search:
Beside SCCA Library, DIVA Station is located in the Project Room. DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video art which is being developed since 2005 at SCCA-Ljubljana with the intent to research, document, present and archive video/media art. By now, it contains more then 1.000 items of different materials. Apart from artworks it also contains documentations, TV shows about video and new media, documentation of events and individual artists as well as archival projects by European media archives and other contributions by international artists. These various sources are of utter importance for research and understanding of video/media art. They contribute greatly to the possibility of interpretation of artworks as well as the context in which they were produced. DIVA Station constantly adds newly acquired works to the archive and promotes an overall understanding of artistic oeuvre by organising discussions and presentations.
Materials from physical archive are available for public viewing at Project Room SCCA at Metelkova 6, Ljubljana, where we also organise discussions with artists, curators and media theorists that are directly involved in archiving contemporary video and media art.
Boštjan Čadež – Fšk: Modulating Ambience
21.–22. 9. 2016
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
MORE (in Slovene):
son:DA: Situation_SCCA
Exhibition and discussion
27. 9.–3. 10. 2007
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
MORE (in Slovene):
Rene Rusjan: Library SCCA 2007--

Personal "guide" (in Slovene) for visitors of SCCA Library.
Arcticae horulae

- e-archive of the project (1991-2005)
- Dictionary of "Germanisms" in Slovene language (1997), on-line edition (2005)
For a long time the artist Alenka Pirman had collected "Germanisms" appearing daily in everyday Slovene conversation, but which are not allowed in the written or formal usage of the language. The artist concluded the project with the publication of a dictionary of these words (1997) and with the on-line edition in 2005.