PROJECTS | Exhibition DIVA at Škuc Gallery
- Opening Event: lecture, presentation, discussion
May 28, 2009, 7 pm
Škuc Gallery(Stari trg 21, Ljubljana)

- Andreas Spiegl: Geography of the Media
The lecture focused on the increasing availability of information and its implicit translation into codes of compatibility offering new maps of contexts and references. This process of de-contextualisation and re-contextualisation is based on a translation of works and contents into identifiable fragments that can be linked and connected in order to install a new geography of relations beyond any historical or territorial backgrounds. In the realm of this geography of media one finds most of all information about something one has not been looking for. The modes of research are turned into modes of discoveries. That is why the question for archives and mainly for media archives will be the production of identifiable contexts beyond the fragmentation of information into data - a question of mapping discoveries.
Andreas Spiegl studied art history at the University in Vienna. He is lecturer on media theories at the Institute for Cultural Studies and vice rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. He is freelance curator and critic and published numerous texts on contemporary art and media theories and urbanism.
- Overview of physical and online archive of video art produced in Slovenia - DIVA Station and the international platform for video archives and new media art GAMA (Gateway to Archives of Media Art)
- Discussion about the theoretical "premises" and practical experiences in the field of conception of archives in Slovenia and internationally.
Announcement of the event
- International projections

Within the exhibition we prepared a selection of video projections from the international space and other rarities from the DIVA Station archive. Each weekend a new set of the videos was presented in the special screening room.
In the course of four weeks we presented:
- Meeting Point, a video document of the first annual exhibition of SCCA-Sarajevo (1997),
- Behind the Mirror, a video document of the second annual exhibition of SCCA-Sarajevo (1998),
- Stop, Action!, a selection of works that use video as a tool for recording actions and performances,
- Video Edition Austria, documentation and archive project of independent distribution houses Medienwerkstatt from Vienna.
- Closing event
The exhibition closed on June 20, during the Summer Museum Night with:
- The programme of international video projections
- Workshop on video signal
- Guided tour
- Evening projections