Open Questions
Exhibition and public discussion
29-31 March, 2007
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Duba Sambolec is the artist from Slovenia based in Norway from 1992. She is the Head of Sculpture at The Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Trondheim, Norway.

Since 1992, Sambolec had only few public appearances in Ljubljana, Slovenia:
- Mala galerija/Small Gallery, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, 1999
- The invited artist of the 6th International Festival of Contemporary Arts, City of Women in 2000 with NoHomeVideos© project.

Sambolec had numerous solo shows and her art has been shown internationally at numerous group-shows. Her art covers multimedia installations including sculpture, ready made, video performance, photography and sound.

As the invited artist, she exhibited at Aperto '88, Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy in 1988 and at Sao Paulo Biennial, Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1985.
In the SCCA Project Room, Sambolec presented the exhibition project entitled Open Questions, a selection of her video works from 1999 to 2005 that deal with the dynamics of historical changes, which have been rendering the local, European and global social and political situation. Furthermore, Sambolec pointed out the women's artistic production that has been influential to the positive cultural change, despite its short history.
The presentation of the last 15 years of her art production and the discussion with Barbara Borčić, Saša Nabergoj and Teja Rot, was also the platform for the audience to comment on the current situation, on perspectives and opportunities for the art activities, which are considerably co-formed by the local and global audience.

Studio 6
Artistic actions, exhibitions, performances and discussions with artists, curators, critics and theoreticians
Project Room SCCA (Metelkova 6, Ljubljana) is a public space for (amongst other activities of SCCA) program of contemporary art Studio 6 (from 2004), which is encouraging discussions on contemporary artistic practices; it establishes constructive collaboration of different profiles from the art world (artists, curators, critics, theorists), offers space for presentation of artistic actions and ensures their reflection.
Participating curators, critics and theoreticians: Alenka Gregorič (Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Iztok Hotko (Simulaker Gallery, Novo mesto, Slovenia), Bojana Piškur (Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Slovenia), Teja Rot (e-Archive project group, SCCA-Ljubljana, Slovenia), Božidar Zrinski (International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Ljubljana, Slovenia).
Participating artists:
Jože Barši, Žiga Kariž, Tobias Putrih, Duba Sambolec, Son:da
More information:
Saša Nabergoj, head of Studio 6
Tevž Logar, coordinator of Studio 6
Tel.: 041 36 74 25
E-mail: svetumetnosti@scca-ljubljana.s