Curatorial Translation
September 24-30, 2007
Skopje, Macedonia
In 2007, SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana (Slovenia) is the partner already in two educational projects for contemporary arts: The Summer Seminars for Art Curators 2007 (organized in August by the National Association of Art Critics (www.naac.am), Yerevan, Armenia) and the project Curatorial Translation (organized in September by Visual and Cultural Research Centre, Euro-Balkan Institut, Skopje, Macedonia).
Curatorial Translation project aims to investigate, contextualise and question various curatorial theories and practices. The ultimate objective of Curatorial Translation is to imagine, propose and develop a platform for new models of curatorial discourses and practices that are equally informed of theoretical and art concepts. The project will address the question whether curatorial projects can be appropriate means for facilitating the processes of negotiation of cultural, ethnic and gender differences, and will attempt on activating the awareness for urgent need for social change and for overcoming of hegemonic curating.
The potentials of the curatorial profession as a means for intercultural knowledge translation and production will be in focus throughout various programme events. The project particularly focuses on curatorship in the Balkan region during the transitional period.
Throughout various lectures, workshops, presentations, conferences and meetings the established curators, theorists, artists, critics, journalists and young professionals will address various specific professional issues:
- Translating theory into curating,
- Intercultural curatorial translation,
- Translational relations between curatorial concepts and art works.
There are also events devoted to the issues of professional self-representation, the representation of the profession in media, the potentiality of Second Life for art and curatorial projects, etc.
The project is designed as one-week series of events: workshops, presentations, public conferences, debates, lectures and informal meetings that will address the social and cultural contexts of curatorial theory and practice.

The workshop sessions in the mornings are aimed to 15 young curators (among them from Slovenia Tevž Logar and Petra Kapš), theorists, researchers or artists from the Balkans.
The participants together with the leaders of the workshops: Suzana Milevska, Luchezar Boyadjiev and Nat Muller, and other presenters: Barbara Borčić (SCCA-Ljubljana director and head of video programs), Maria Lind and Irit Rogoff will try to tackle the proposed main themes and other issues in order to produce a site for professional intercultural communication and discussion of the gaps between different artistic and curatorial practices deriving from various cultural and theoretical contexts.

Series of informal meetings with artists as well as visits to art and cultural institutions are carefully planned for the afternoons. In the evenings there are additional events scheduled: conferences, presentations, performances, exhibition openings, etc.
A reader compiling texts and drafts of the works in progress of the three groups is planned to be published until the end of 2007.

Curator: Dr. Suzana Milevska
Visual culture theorist, Director, Visual and Cultural Research Centre
Assistant Curator: Biljana Tanurovska
Younger Research Assistant, Visual and Cultural Research Centre
Curatorial Translation Participants:
Louisa Avgita, Ivana Bago, Gulsen Bal, Katerina Bogoeva, Barbara Borčić, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Aleksandra Bubevska, Yane Calovski, Slavčo Dimitrov, Nikola Eftimov, Liljana Gjuzelova, Nora Halimi, Hristina Ivanoska, Vladimir Jančevski, Petra Kapš, Vida Knezević, Svetlana Kuymdjieva, Suzana Milevska, Maria Lind, Tevz Logar, Ilias Marmaris, Vladiya Michaylova, Nat Muller, Irit Rogoff, Aleksandar Stankoski, Iskra Šukarova, Biljana Tanurovska, Ivana Tasev, Tihomir Topuzovski, Žaneta Vangeli, Ivana Vaseva, Elena Veljanovska, Jelena Vesić, Maja Vuković, Velimir Žernovski
Main project organiser:
Visual and Cultural Research Centre
Euro-Balkan Institute
Partizanski odredi 63, Skopje 1000, Macedonia
Tel./Fax: +38923075570
E-mail: visualculturalresearchcentre@gmail.com
Blog/programme up-dates: www.curatorialtranslation.blogspot.com
press to exit project space (Skopje, Macedonia), SCCA, Center for Cintemporary Arts - Ljubljana (Slovenia), EXIT (Peja, Kosova), Belgrade Circle (Serbia), Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia
The project is supported by the European Cultural Foundation and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

Additional information:
SCCA-Ljubljana is a member of Asociacija, the association of non-government organisations and independent creators in the field of culture and art in Slovenia.