Year 2007/2008
Seminar for Writing
Workshop No. 2
Interview as a Tool for Conceptualisation
Mentor: Eda Čufer
17th, 18th and 22nd January, 2008
SCCA Project room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
Application deadline: 14th January 2008
Different groups shape their collective identities through shaping specific communication principles. Unlike totalitarian societies - what used to be the former Socialist societies in Eastern Europe - democratic societies straightforwardly worship all types of public, spontaneous speech. Interviews, round table discussions, public debates, researching examples through interviewing the involved ones - these are all dominant media forms in contemporary communication environment through which social life is regulated in its entirety. Following 1989 and the change of social system, Eastern European societies have also fundamentally changed their communication habits. In democratic capitalism, we are prone to trust more words that "come from the heart", that are spontaneously constructed in front of us, rather than the thoroughly thought, authoritarian or authoritative words. Interview is one of the most dominant communication tools in contemporary capitalist society.
Within the frame of the workshop Interview as a Tool for Conceptualisation, we shall confine the medium of interview to the field of modern and contemporary art. We shall strive to reflect upon interview as a tool for conceptualising (creative contemplation, preparations, planning) different professional practices linked to activities in the field of contemporary and modern art. We may use the interview (both in audio or video form) in research phase as well as in the preparation and execution of an artistic project, but also in conceiving exhibitions, dissertations, critiques or other similar activities.
The workshop will consist of a brief introductory lecture and talk on proposed subjects-interviews (first day, morning); strategies and tactics of articulating questions (first day, afternoon); interviewing (second day); reviewing and critical debate on results (third day). There is a two-day break between the second day of the workshop (interviewing) and the third day (reviewing and critical debate on results). During this time, the participants work on transcribing interviews from audio or video into written form, editing the interviews into a publishable form. The length of the interview should be no less than eight and no more than twelve pages.
Prior to the workshop, the participants should prepare a suggestion for the interview (with the person whom they are interested in personally or professionally) and at least 10 questions they will focus on. The prepared suggestions, that the participants are supposed to report to the tutor prior to the workshop, will also be a guarantee that they are ready to carry out the interviews in the agreed time and are a prerequisite for participation. Interviews should be carried out by Friday, January 18th. We can assist you with contacts of interviewees.
The organisers will make sure that most successfull interview carried out within the frame of the workshop will be published in Likovne besede (Art Words) magazine.
Thursday, January 17th
11.00-14.00: short introductory lecture with interview examples; discussion on suggested interview themes
16.00-19.00: strategies and tactics of question articulation
Friday, January 18th
All day: making the interviews and individual consultation with the mentor (schedule will be flexible according to interview meetings)
Tuesday, January 22nd
11.00-14.00: critical overview of the interviews
Participation fee is 10 EUR for individuals and 15 EUR for institution representatives. The number of participants is limited.
Application deadline: 14th January 2008!
Send your application to: svetumetnosti@scca-ljubljana.si or send/bring it personally to: Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana (working hours: 11.00-15.00).
Application form
SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana & World of Art
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel.: +386 1 431 83 85
E-mail: svetumetnosti@scca-ljubljana.si
Contact persons: Saša Nabergoj or Maja Lozić
(working hours: 11.00-15.00)
The World of Art is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana - Department for Culture and Research Activities.