Robertina Šebjanič
Instalation and demonstration
Wednesday, Deecember 17, 7 pm
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Before we enter into new year, Project Room SCCA will host robots, named Pufis. Robertina Šebjanič, the author, and her programming adviser Luka Frelih, acquaint Pufis with visitors.
Kindly welcome to join us. You might get a new acquaintance or even a friend.
Pufis represent microorganisms living in an open ecosystem, while the collection of objects functions as a sensitive sensory network. The visitor is subsumed into the artificially produced >biosphere< through active sensor-based interaction. Pufination is incomplete without interaction. There's no leading role, we're all just cohabiting.
The project thus highlights our relationship to other life as an important factor to every individual's own survival. In Pufination, we find ourselves inside a simulated projection of our everyday. Decentralised control, close stimulus response and adherence to simple rules - this is what links robots and visitors in the Pufination.
Pufi robots are based on the Arduino platform. They communicate with each other by a wireless network and with people by touch, sound, light and vibration.

Pufination has so far been presented at:
- Cyberpipe, 15 .5.-15. 6. 2008 (premiere)
- Festival of creativity and inovation in learning, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, 21.-23. 5. 2008
- Utopia" Paraflows 08, festival for digital art and cultures, MAK - Gegenwartskunstdepot Gefechtsturm Arenbergpark, Vienna
- Hektopia, HAIP 08, Gallery Vžigalica, Ljubljana, 3.-11. 11. 2008
In 2007, prototypes of Pufination toured in:
- A-M-B-E-R 07, body process arts festival, project PUFI, Istanbul, Turkey
Concept, design, realization: Robertina Šebjanič
Programming, advice, realization: Luka Frelih
Assistance in realization: Alojzij Sinur, Janž Verbančič
Produced by: Kiberpipa (Err0r)
Robertina Šebjanič
Studied sculpture at Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts and at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. In 2006, she studied new media at Konsthögskolan Valand in Göthen. Since 2005 she is presenting her work in Slovene and international art milieu through different projects, solo and group exhibitions. She works and researches video and sculptural tecniques and dedicates most of her attention to linking diverse technologies.
No Nails, No Pedestals is presenting authors, working in the field of contemporary artistic practices (installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary & web projects). The artists can present their works by using different media and program tools for presentation on computer screens, television sets and wall projections. The audience is encouraged to reflect the works and intervene in the discussion and thus add to the interpretational level of artistic practices with their feedback.
SCCA-Ljubljana program is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana.