Marija Mojca Pungercar:
Mortality Table
An art project in the form of a thematic chocolate bar
We are informing you about art project by Marija Mojca Pungerčar, SCCA collaborator and editor of Artservis.
The Mortality Table project is named after an actuarial table which shows, for a person at each age, the probability of surviving any particular year of age. Life expectancy for men and women is calculated separately. This table is used by insurance companies to calculate life annuities. According to the statistics, women outlive men. Insurance companies use this as an excuse to pay out lower pensions to women even though they make the same payments for the same number of years as men.
The project consists of a batch of hand-made milk chocolate bars imprinted with the data of life expectancy for men and women. The calculations are based on the DAV 1994R table which the Slovenian insurance companies are obliged to use. The project aims to inform through pleasure. With it I would like to call your attention to the way the insurance industry uses the demographic statistics, which I feel is a form of hidden discrimination against women in capitalism.

In October and November, the project will be included in the accompanying programs of the City of Women festival and Documentaries in Maribor - DokMa 2009 festival, and in the offer of the Azil Bookstore. As a gift Mortality Tables will be given to participants of SCCA-Ljubljana / Artservis' round table Self-responsibility of Artists for their Position, which will take place in Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Trg Prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana) on Friday, October 9, 2009, at
The project is the part of Red Dawns Festival.
Produced by Trivia Art
Co-produced by Red Dawns Festival, Alkatraz Gallery, Association Mreža
Curator: Jadranka Ljubičič
Assistant: Ana Grobler
Expert collaborator: Mojca Dobnikar
Design concept and modifications suggested by M. M. Pungerčar realized by Ana Grobler
Translated by Marija Mojca Pungerčar, Katarina Grabnar
The project has received financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Global Fund for Women.
Sponsored by Rajska ptica Chocolaterie
Thanks to: Urša Iljaš Petrovic, Ivanka Zobec, Darko Medved, Rok Dremelj
Information and orders: T: + 386 1 41 882 593 (M. M. Pungerčar),,