Call for application to
International Summer Seminars for Art Curators
Aesthetic Communities and Contextual Translation of Communal Art
August 15-17, 2010, Yerevan, Armenia
August 18- 20, 2010, Ijevan, Armenia
Application deadline: May 15, 2010
AICA-Armenia is announcing the call for the 5th International Summer School Program for contemporary art curators, which will take place in Yerevan, in August 15-17 th and in Ijevan, in August 18-20, a city located in Northern Armenia and close to the Georgian and Azerbaijani borders.
The program of this year s Summer school with the theme Aesthetic Communities and Contextual Translation of Communal Art is comprised of a series of lectures, presentations and round-tables that center around the issue how is it possible to recapture or rather representationally translate communal reception to the Soviet art of Stalinism and beyond when the embedded specificity of communist community has itself undergone such a radical transformation? What is the role of the curator in the perceptual politics that perpetuates through and around a work of art? Can a work of art intended for a collective optical unconscious in the original context of its production create new forms of undetermined and situational communities when exposed, represented and reinterpreted anew? What happens to the work when both its intended message and its addressee are lost? What becomes of a specific community in which the work is situated? What is the role of the one –the critic, curator, historian and writer, who exposes, reinterprets and repositions the communal work? We would also like to pose the double question of communal art’s function within communities in which these works are physically located as well as the aesthetic communities that come into being temporarily around a work of art.
The Program is structured to accommodate daily lectures by invited specialists, round-table discussions and presentations by the participants. The presentations should focus on curating and aesthetic communities or curating community art.
There is no fee for participation. However, the participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. AICA-Armenia does not provide funding for logistics.
To participate, please send us your CV and a 300 word abstract of your proposed presentation.
All materials should be sent by May 15 to Marianna Hovhannisyan at the e-mail address:
SCCA-Ljubljana and World of Art are permanently collaborating with AICA-Armenia in the field of curatorial education and practice.
SCCA-Ljubljana program is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana.