Marko Košnik:
Shuffle in a Hidden Garden
Wednesday, March 7, 2012, at 8 pm
SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
For his intervention at SCCA Project Room, the artist prepared a table-installation which is based on a number of collections of digital sound and video patterns that have been pre-prepared for various performances, video instruments and sound projects in the last two decades. The material will be projected from different sources according to the principles of random shuffle and on the basis of various rules of classification: aleatorics, priority and condition choice (chance, probability), space-installed selection, coincidence operation.
The installation will be on view on March 7, from 8pm.

Members of one of the three teams at Hexpo Festival having lunch at the garden of Lipa restaurant in Ljubljana (photo: anonymous)
During the last seven years Marko Košnik has dedicated his artistic practice primarily to two series of production: the operabils – the modules of media opera including the librettos performed with the use of videoinstruments as solo performances or as projects in collaboration with musicians, performers, and dancers – and the ditopia – interactive installations produced for participation of audience.
Some of the most important Operabiles are: The missing Engine of Laputa (solo performance for Documenta Urbana 2 in Kassel, 2006), Operabil Conspirare (performance for the opening of transmediale Festival in Berlin, with Stephen Kovats, 2008), Operabil Kobe (performed at Quebeckhall Kobe, Kibla in Maribor and Tesla in Berlin: Barbara Thun, Sumi Masayuki, Marko Košnik - 2006).
Between 2008 and 2011 Marko Košnik prepared ten new productions in Istanbul, Rijeka, Maribor, Ljubljana, Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin, Mooste and Tomar in collaboration with numerous co-operators: Rodney Place, Aleksander Nikolic, Lara Dau Vieira, Michael Saup, Tom Fuerstner, Dirk Bruinsma, Barbara Thun, Ben Patterson, Mia Makela, Andreas Findeisen, Monika Glahn, Irena Tomažin ... in frame of the X-op European project.
Supported by:
- Egon March Institut
- ERSTE Stiftung (as a part of Video obrat/A Video Turn)
- City of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
[PublishedMarch 7, 2011]