DIVA Station and Barbara Borčić at the UNESCO Sofia Meetings Forum
Presentation, round-table
March 17, 2012
Sofia, Bulgaria

UNESCO Venice Office, in cooperation with the Sofia International Film Festival will held on Saturday, March 17th a regional forum entitled Balkan visions: Creativity for the future in South-East Europe.
The UNESCO Sofia Meetings Forum aims at enhancing the debate of the role of culture and creativity in fostering sustainable development, social cohesion and integration in South-Eastern Europe. It will bring together a group of artists and creators who are contributing to the renovation and reshaping of the intellectual and artistic contemporary scene in South-East Europe.
The forum will be structured around 3 thematic round-tables: cinema, creative cities, and new media arts. Speakers will discuss the development of cultural networks and the enhancement of the creative and multicultural landscape of the SEE region, the new political and economic environment for artistic activities, transnational mobility, funding opportunities, challenges for European integration and cooperation.
Youth, students, universities, art schools, media, cultural professionals and managers, artists and creators, curators, professionals involved in cultural industries are invited to attend and participate in the discussions.
Round-table 3, Art and innovation: developing new media arts in South-East Europe, will focus on media arts as platforms for the creation of new content, cultural practices, social and political discourse. This field of art operates within a broad spectrum ranging from digital and computer art, through web art, net.art and installations, to computer games and modes. It opens up innovative models of communication, cooperation, and collaborative modes of production and distribution. It also invents new models of using artistic creations, which inevitably follows the transformation of the role of cultural institutions.
The round-table will be moderated by Suzana Milevska, lecturer in Art History and Theory (University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje) and with the participants Margarita Dorovska, curator (InterSpace Association, Bulgaria), Barbara Borčić, director of SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana, Zoran Pantelić, director of New Media Center_kuda.org (Novi Sad) and Maria Chatzichristodoulou, lecturer in Theatre and Performance (School of Arts and New Media, University of Hull, Greece).
Barbara Borčić will present SCCA-Ljubljana programs focused on video, new media and archiving, gathered within the DIVA Station.
Program UNESCO Sofia Meetings Forum (pdf)
[Published March 16, 2012]