Projects of co-workers
Petra Varl at the Susak Expo[rt] 2012
Biennale of contemporary arts
April 23-28, 2012
Palace/Fritzy Gallery, V. Gortana Str., Mali Lošinj, Croatia
We would like to inform you about the exhibition project of Petra Varl, an artist taking part in SCCA-Ljubljana project Internet Portfolio.
Studio1.4 is proud to present the fourth Susak Expo biennale, Susak Expo[rt] 2012 which will take place in the Fritzy Gallery (Lošinj Museum) between 23 and 28 April 2012.
Art is made by changing, even error and mis-translation; but it is rare that this process can be witnessed by the public. For Translation/Change/Mutation 15 artists have been invited to show work that is either about translation and change or that is designed to change/translate during the duration of the show. Amongst the artist is Petra Varl from Slovenia.
There will be an initial opening of the expo on Monday 23 at 6 pm, after which all week long the artists will be present in the gallery, gradually changing and tweaking their works. The gallery will be open every day for a continuous viewing of this work-in-progress, culminating in a final show on Saturday 28 at 4 pm.
Invited artists: Kate Lyddon, Anna-Maria Bogner, Robin Seir, Hermann Fink, Janko Matic, Sarah Rechberger, John Stephens, Peter Seewasser, Herzog Dellafiore, Keran James, Yen-Sik Kim, Daniel Devlin, Petra Varl, Christina Boula and Cedric Christie.

Petra Varl was born in 1965 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She graduated with a Master of Fine Arts degree from The Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts in 1997. She has shown her work in numerous independent and group shows, including the Sao Paolo Biennial. Since the year 2000 she has been working as an Associate Professor of drawing and graphic arts at the Fine Arts Department of the Teacher’s College of the University of Maribor. She lives and works in Ljubljana and Maribor.
[Published April 26, 2012]