Europe DayON-AiR: Reflecting on the mobility of artists in Europe
After two year collaboration the ON-AiR partners, amongst them Artservis/SCCA-Ljubljana, present the publication ON-AiR: Reflecting on the mobility of artists in Europe.
With this publication the partners of the ON-AiR project aim to take you on a “journey”, reflecting on the current state of mobility in which the artists in Europe operate and their art flourishes. It also includes a summary of the results and outcomes of the ON-AiR project.
An Editorial Team consisting of 18 mobility experts from the different regions of Europe, all working as partners in ON-AiR, proposed 10 topics or thoughts for a more in-depth approach. Ten essays by authors from across Europe are the result. The content and format of the essays differ enormously: varying from a letter written to a resident artist, to an examination of the much-discussed ‘brain drain’ phenomenon in Eastern Europe, to drawings from a pirate rabbit reflecting on mobility.
This publication does not intend to solve problems, nor does it offer a complete overview of them. It is meant to share issues we experienced during the project with others operating in the field of artist mobility.”
You can find further information on the book here:
and on how to order it here:
List of contributions to download:
On-AiR is a European tool for artists; seminars, mobility workshops and training programs on artist-in-residence opportunities.
Partners: Trans Artists (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), City of Göteborg (Sweden), UNITER (Bucharest, Romania), K2 (Izmir, Turkey), Workshop Foundation (Budapest, Hungary), Artservis/SCCA-Ljubljana (Slovenia), Glasgow School of Art (Scotland, UK), The City of München (Germany), ARTEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Enschede, the Netherlands), Pepinieres österreich (Graz, Austria), AiR Ujazdowski Castle (Warsaw, Poland), Mala Stanica (Skopje, Macedonia), Beykent University/Marmara University (Istanbul, Turkey), Banska Stanica (Slovakia), Frans Masereel Centrum (Kasterlee, Belgium), Club Portugues Artes e Ideias (Lisbon, Portugal), Konstepidemin (Göteborg, Sweden), Giovane Artisti Italiani (GAI) (Torino, Italy)

This work programme (ON-AiR) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Published May 4, 2012]