Projects of co-workers Neven Korda: Simply Beautiful
Festival Lighting Gverrilla 2012: Movement
May 17-June 16, 2012, from noon till 11 pm
Vžigalica Gallery, Trg francoske revolucije 7, Ljubljana
Lighting Guerrilla is turning on the lights in different public spaces for the sixth consecutive year already. Parks, streets, galleries and cultural centers for a few weeks yearly beat to the rhythm of this festival, which is each year dedicated to a certain topic. Detectives of Light, Repetition, Recycling, City! and Sound were the main topics of previous editions of the festival. This year it revolves around Movement.
Amongst this year artists is Neven Korda, our associate in the field of video art and archive DIVA Station.

The electronic image can be seen by the means of objects that are showing it ‘per se’, so that the image itself glows towards the viewer, or by the means of objects that emit the light, so that the image is seen as a reflection from a screen.
The goal of the installation Simply beautiful (Preprosto lepo) in the formal sense is to deconstruct the term “video” into physical realities that compose it: the capture of light information, their conversion into an electrical signal, manipulation with specific forms of video signal, return to the light information. The formal creator of such a space is not a physical volume, but the light which can be seen on the sources, in the air, on the screens and on reflective objects.
Installation view:

Automatics: Branko Ždralo
Motors: Stefan Doepner
Production: Lightening Guerrilla 2012, Strip Core/Forum Ljubljana
Neven Kordais an artist working in the field of performative and projected arts. He creates artificial situations, immanent to the video, that require interaction of the body, voice, sound and video in real time, and computer aided transmission of it. He explores, practices and documents pure video art. His rendering of the video signal takes place in three fields: multimedia performances with real time manipulation of the signals, multimedia installations and narrative movies.
He’s also a director and author of theatre plays, author’s films, documentaries and music videos, while still being a mentor and lecturer at applied video workshops. He’s active in the field of archivation and conservation of video records.
[Published May 28, 2012]