Cultural Contact Point Slovenia
Art & Public Space
August 27, 2012, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Murska Sobota Castle
Trubarjev drevored 4, Murska Sobota, Slovenia

Green Light, choreography: Mateja Bučar, photo: Matej Fišer
Joint regional event of the six Cultural Contact Points is a part of the accompanying programme of the 7th Front@ of Contemporary Dance Festival.
The conference Art & Public Space is organised by the Cultural Contact Point Slovenia (SCCA–Ljubljana) and UIRS - the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia in collaboration with the Flota Institute and Cultural Contact Points from Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia.
The joint regional event of the six Cultural Contact Points, national information offices of the EU Culture programme, is dedicated to the promotion of successful European transnational cooperation initiatives while bringing to the fore the topic of “Art and Public Space”.
The event will bring together experienced and diverse cultural operators from six countries (AT, BE, HR, HU, SI, SR) that are/have been implementing EU Culture projects that focus (in one way or another) on the art as well as research approaches in/to the public space. The aim of the public discussion is to present a variety of artistic practices and research methodologies produced in/for the public space, debate on the importance of bringing artistic practices outdoor and inquire on the potentials of different artistic forms and disciplines for the development of the local environments. Disciplines such as visual arts, dance, street art, architecture, urban planning and alike will be in focus.
The conference is a part of the accompanying programme of the 7th Front@ of Contemporary Dance Festival. This year the festival - a leading partner of the EU Culture project entitled Beyond Front@: Bridging New Territories - will deal with the topic of bringing dance to the open-air venues as well as merging it with other art forms and disciplines.
The debate will start after a short introductory information session entitled “Culture in a Nutshell” where representatives of invited Cultural Contact Points will briefly and right into the point present the EU Culture programme (2007–2013) along with the very last calls for proposals this programme offers to cultural operators across Europe.
WHEN and WHERE? The conference will take place on Monday, 27 August 2012, from 11:00 to 14:00 in the Murska Sobota castle (Trubarjev drevored 4, Murska Sobota, Slovenia).
Further information will follow shortly!
For additional information please contact CCP Slovenia: Mateja Lazar ( and Maša Ekar (
Culture Programme is a seven-year (2007-13) programme for community measures in the field of culture open to all cultural sectors and all categories of cultural operators, that promote the transnational mobility of people working in the cultural sector, encourage the transnational circulation of works and cultural and artistic products as well as intercultural dialogue.
CCP Slovenia is an information office for Culture Programme, responsible for the promotion of the programme on the national level, for dissemination and exchange of information related to the implementation of the Programme; it provides assistance in searching partner organisations and offers technical support for users. CCP Slovenia was established in 2002 within the SCCA-Ljubljana. CCP Slovenia is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission.
[Published July 6, 2012]