The Dark Alter
Video screening
19th Anniversary of AKC Metelkova City
Saturday night, September 8, 2012 from 9 pm
Place: three windows in front of Pešaki building
For 19th Anniversary of AKC Metelkova City a hosting curator at SCCA-Ljubljana Sixtine Rose Boyer prepared a video program about the alternative art scene, Metelkova and its forerunners.
Sixtine Rose Boyer is currently working as a volunteer at the DIVA Station material and on-line archive of video art. Simultaneously, she is a postgraduate student of Triple Master Degree (Medias, Culture and Communication) at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Europa-Universität Vidarina of Frankfurt an der Oder and University St Kliment Ohridski of Sofia.
The starting point of her thesis is the exploration of so-called Dark Culture (i.e. Gothic, New Dark and Cold Wave, Punk, Hard Core) in Slovenia and more specifically in Ljubljana from the beginning of the 80s till today. Predominantly, she is researching the role of groups and movements like FV Group, Borghesia, Laibach and AKC Metelkova City.

Selected works:
- Marijan Osole – Max, Morte ai sciavi, 16' 28''
ŠKD Forum, 1983
- FV Video, Disko FV, 42' 27''
FV Video/Škuc-Forum, 1983
- ZANK (Z. Alajbegović, N. Korda), The Old and the New, 65' 55''
V.S. Video/Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenia, 1997
- ZANK (Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda), Kersnikova 4, 18' 40''
FV Video/Škuc-Forum, 1984
- ZANK (Z. Alajbegović, N. Korda), In Search of the Lost Time, 25' 40''
FV Video/Škuc-Forum, 1985
- Zemira Alajbegović, ŠKUC - R.O.P.O.T., 45' 50''
Brut film, FV Video/Škuc-Forum, 1988
- ZANK (Z. Alajbegović, N. Korda, Borghesia), The Triumpf of Desire, 61:24
Brut film, VS Video/Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenia & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
- Rok Sieberer Kuri, Metelkova City I, II, 68' 02''
Media Teror, 1996-98
- Marko Kovačič (2227), I've Seen That... Like It Is, 6' 40''
V.S. Video & Strip Core/Forum Ljubljana, 1993
- Sašo Podgoršek (Laibach), God is God, 3' 42''
Videospotting (since 1994) - series of curated programs of video art in Slovenia produced and presented by SCCA-Ljubljana in solo screenings, exhibitions, lectures, and at international festivals, exhibitions, meetings.
[Published September 3, 2012]