A Mid-Stop presents
TRIO: Conversation about visual art scene of Metelkova City
Matej Bizovičar & Damijan Kracina & Andrej Pezelj
Moderator: Jernej Kaluža
Tuesday, September 25, 2012, at 6pm
Infoshop, ACC Metelkova City
Conversation about visual art scene of Metelkova City, awareness of common place, attempt of defining its meaning for specific art practices.
TRIO: Matej Bizovičar & Damijan Kracina & Andrej Pezelj; moderator Jernej Kaluža, Infoshop, Tuesday, 25 September at 6 pm
TRIO is a part of a reserach and exhibition project A Mid-Stop.

Production: KUD Mreža / Alkatraz Gallery; SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana / World of Art
Support: Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture; Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the RS
[Published September 14, 2012]