WORLD OF ART, School for curators and critics of contemporary art,
Year 14
And what if . Institution: alternative scenario
International workshop
October 5–7, 2012
Gallery Labirynt, Lublin, Poljska
Workshop is part of the project Giant Step
Curators: Anna Smolak, Magdalena Ujma
Curator for Gallery Labirynt: Magdalena Linkowska
Participant: Saša Nabergoj, World of Art/SCCA-Ljubljana

Workshop around an ideal institution is an attempt at confronting notions related to institutional critique with individual practices and attitudes towards institution of culture. We will ponder whether the institutional model contradicts the idea of creative work, whether permanent conflict is inherent in the institution of art, and how to cope with it and use it constructively.
The And what if… Institution: alternative scenario workshop is part of the Giant Step research platform within which four European institutions – Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven), Mostyn Gallery (Wales), Vessel (Bari) and Galeria Labirynt in Lublin – analyse, individually and in dialogue, various political, economic and cultural determinants of artistic production within institutions as well as the potential of art critique as a tool for change.
Participants: Zuzana Bodnárová, Karolina BreguĊa, Gemma Medina Estupiñán, Milovan Farronato, Siân Green, Marianna Hovhannisyan, Magdalena Linkowska, Milan Mikuláštík, Saša Nabergoj, Anna Ostoya, Anna Smolak, Francesco Scasciamacchia, Waldemar Tatarczuk, Magdalena Ujma
[Published October 5, 2012]