WORLD OF ART, School for curators and critics of contemporary art,
Year 14
Presentation of the new anthology:
Dilemmas of Curatorial Practices
Monday, October 22, 2012, at 12 pm
Behemot Bookshop – on the ground floor of the City Art Gallery Ljubljana
Mestni trg 5, Ljubljana
Public presentation with conversation: Saša Nabergoj (head of World of Art) with Petja Grafenauer (freelance curator and critic) and Miran Mohar (mentor of World of Art School, member of Irwin collective)

You are most welcome to join us at conversation and presentation of the World of Art anthology Dilemmas of Curatorial Practices in the City Art Gallery Ljubljana where a new venue of the Behemot bookshop has recently been opened. Behemot bookshop will among other things also complement the City Art Gallery’s program with talks concerning contemporary art.
While the World of Art School in its yearly curriculum addresses primarily its participants and experts from the field of art, with an anthology, public events, conversations and exhibitions it tends to reach a broader public. The 6th anthology offers a comprehensive presentation of the educational programme: selection of public lectures on curatorial and institutional strategies performed by Slovene and international experts – curators, critics and artists – during the last eight years in the SCCA Project Room; selection of texts from the World of Art column in fine arts magazine Artwords; documentation of all World of Art’s segments and achievements accompanied with visual material and press clipping – from the beginning till now.
Apart from providing a valuable overview of the unique educational program for curators and critics in a broader region, the Anthology presents a very useful study material for everybody interested in contemporary art and curatorial and critical practices.
Don’t hesitate to order the anthology Dilemmas of Curatorial Practices (20€) through e-mail ( )!
We have prepared the presentation of the anthology in collaboration with City Art Gallery Ljubljana and Behemot Bookshop.
The anthology was supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

SCCA-Ljubljana/World of Art (Office hours: Monday-Friday, 10 am–1 pm)
Contact person: Simona Žvanut
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel.: + 386 1 431 83 85
[Published October 19, 2012]