Studio 6
Exhibition and panel discussion
Panel discussion
Thursday, May 29, 2014, at 4 pm
National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova, Maistrova 1
May 29 – June 5, 2014
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6
Opening: Thursday, May 29, 2014, at 6 pm
The exhibition and panel discussion are the first two events accompanying the International Ceramic Triennial UNICUM 2015 (May 15–September 30, 2015), organised by the National Museum of Slovenia.
Thursday, May 29, 2014, at 4 pm
National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova, Maistrova 1
Participants: Dragica Čadež Lapajne, Mateja Kos, Iztok Maroh, Tanja Pak, Saša Rudolf, Vera Stanković and Ina Širca Moderators: Zora Žbontar and Simona Žvanut
May 29 – June 5, 2014
Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6
Opening: Thursday, May 29, 2014, at 6 pm
Damijan Kracina presents:
Projection of the video I'm Not There (author: Sebastjan Vodušek)
radio play
Text: Jani Pirnat
Actors: Ivan Jakac, Ajda Toman, Rok Kunaver
Sound: Sašo Kalan
Premiere: May 29, 2014, at 6.15 pm
Curators: Saša Nabergoj and Simona Žvanut
The exhibition is open: Monday-Wednesday, from 10 am till 3 pm, Thursday from 10 am till 3 pm.

Damijan Kracina, I'm Not There / Menenitu; Paths through Sculpture exhibition view, MGML, 2012 (photo: Matevž Paternoster / MGML)
The reason for a collaboration with the team of the National Museum of Slovenia and a joint occupation with ceramic is a tendency towards an out-of-the-box thinking concerning our field of work and research and (maybe) surpassing our regular (and expected) co-workers. By organising the International Ceramic Triennial UNICUM 2015 the National Museum of Slovenia is continuing to initiate new platforms – the same as we do with our programs. To name just a few: DIVA Station, the only physical and web portal archive of video and media art in Slovenia, World of Art, the only informal educational program for future curators and critics of contemporary art, and also Studio 6, introducing the expanded conception of ‘exhibition making’. Namely, the aim of the International Ceramic triennial UNICUM is not only to exhibit artistic production in ceramic material, but also to surpass the automatic placement of artworks made of ceramic (on the base of the material only) in the field of (applied) arts and crafts. UNICUM has always strongly emphasized that clay is indeed the oldest artistic material, but that it is present in the field of arts and crafts as well as in contemporary arts. Ceramic arts is nowadays connected with sculpture, painting, video, graphic art and other media and therefore cannot be pushed on the edge of artistic creation and valuation.
At the panel discussion we will discuss ceramic art from museological, educational, critical, design, and artistic point of view. The concept and mission of UNICUM and the preparation of this event in 2015 will also be presented and its place and meaning in a broader European context will be discussed.
The exhibition Uni-form at the Project Room SCCA will address the focal question in view of the fact that Damijan Kracina himself uses various materials in his artistic practice (video, performance, scenography, sound, research work, installation and sculpture in various materials) – including also ceramic.
Simona Žvanut
Marn nemarn (pisoar with horns and other projects)
Radio play (in Slovene)
Text: Jani Pirnat
Actors: Ivan Jakac, Ajda Toman, Rok Kunaver
Sound: Sašo Kalan
Photos from events
Photo: SCCA-Ljubljana Archive

Thanks to: KUD Mreža /Alkatraz Gallery
[Published May 28, 2014]