Projects of co-workers
The Wolf magazine published an article by Simona Žvanut about artists Lenka Đorojević
and Matej Stupica
Simona Žvanut: The Wolf Artists in Residence Lenka Ðorojević: Cube No. 837456-9305.00. and Lenka Ðorojević & Matej Stupica: D BUK.
There is no true history, only points of view: Characteristics of graphic art and the book as a formal tool to relay complexity, Number 31, December 2014
The internationally renowned British magazine for poetry The Wolf published a text regarding two artworks of the artist and former World of Art participant Lenka Đorojević and the artist Matej Stupica.
Lenka Đorojević and Matej Stupica are artists of a younger generation and are the first Slovenian artists that are featured in the curated selection of the magazine The Wolf Artist in Residence Pages. The selection, which focuses on works of art in high-resolution reproductions, is accompanied by words on the artistic practices of both artists and the presented works of art. The integrated spatial graphic installation by Lenka Đorojević Cube No 37456-9305.00. as well as the joint artists book D BUK project are innovative and multy-layered examples of the modern usage of graphics and book form, which the author Simona Žvanut has connected and analyzed in detail.
The Wolf online.

Simona Žvanut is assistant of World of Art, School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art and Studio 6.
The Wolf magazine was founded in April 2002 by James Byrne and Nicholas Cobic with a clear emphasis on publishing emerging new poets alongside more established writers. The Wolf publishes international translations, critical prose and interviews with leading contemporary poets.
[Published May 20, 2015]