DIVA Station
Barbara Borčić: DIVA Station – Archiving of Images and Time
Presentation at the international symposium Museums of Film – Film in the Museum
5th November 2015, at 2.15 pm
Museum of Contemporary Art, Gorgona Hall
Av. Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb, Croatia

DIVA Station (a physical and web archive of video art which is being developed since 2005 at SCCA-Ljubljana with the intent to research, document, present and archive video/media art) will be presented at the international symposium Museums of Film – Film in the Museum in Zagreb.
The objective of the international symposium would lie not only in consideration of the possibilities of and preconditions for encouraging initiatives for the founding of a film museum in Croatia; at the same time this interdisciplinary meeting of experts should set off discussions about issues that arise in this domain: the definition of terminology, challenges in the encounter of the analogue world and the new digital paradigm, taking up issues of professional and scholarly historical and artistic research, facing up to the accelerating changes of technologies and the problems of preserving the audio-visual heritage, and expectations and experiences of visitors to and/or users of the film museum.
Barbara Borčić (curator, publicist and editor in the field of contemporary art, director and head of video programs at SCCA-Ljubljana) will present the procedures of production, historisation and functioning of DIVA Station, the archive of video and media art in Slovenia. Her presentation will take place on the 5th of November and within the section entitled The Encounter of the Analogue World and the New Digital Paradigm. Preservation of the Film/Video Heritage. The section will be moderated by Branko Franceschi and Tanja Vrvilo and will present speakers Carmen Lhotka (Croatian State Archives/Croatian Film Archive, Zagreb), Sandro Đukić (painter, artist, Zagreb), Darko Fritz (multimedia artist, curator, Zagreb) and Dan Oki (Art Academy Split (UMAS).
Metka Dariš from Slovenia will participate at the symposium with lecture entitled Slovene Cinemateque – Film Museum.
[Published: November 3, 2015]