DIVA Station
DIVA Station invited for coffee date with Kulturnik
Presentation of the Kulturnik.si portal, press conference and coffee
Tuesday, 24th of November 2015, at 11 am
Pritličje, Mestni trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana

In the cozy setting of Pritličje the team of Kulturnik.si portal will introduce you to the mysteries of the Kulturnik.si web portal and probably change the way you enjoy your morning coffee.
The website Kulturnik.si was launched in December 2013. Developed by the Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, the portal consists of a metasearch engine and features cultural news and events aggregated from various Slovene digital sources and collections related to arts and culture.
Kulturnik will be presented by its programmers Luka Frelih, Žiga Kranjec, Zoran Obradović and Mitja Doma, and its meta-editors Polona Torkar and Alenka Pirman.
Kulturnik.si aggregates data from more than 2.000 sources, among them the online archive, portal and podcasts created by invited guests. Barbara Borčić (head of video programs and video archive DIVA Station) will present one of Kulturnik.si sources – DIVA Station archive. DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video art which is being developed since 2005 at SCCA-Ljubljana with the intent to research, document, present and archive video/media art. DIVA Station is the only on-line gateway to the Slovene video art. Other guests are Lenart J. Kučić (Marsowci) and Robert Ožura (Kamra, Central Library of Celje). The event will be moderated by Jure Longyka.
Kulturnik is developed by Ljudmila, Art and Science Laboratory, designed by Studio ŽAŽA (Žiga Aljaž and Žiga Artnak), and supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture. Additional information: 01 426 9530 (Ljudmila), info@ljudmila.org; 040 195 877 (Polona)
[Published: November 12, 2015]