DIVA Station
Barbara Borčić participates at international symposium in Paris:
The Emergence of Video Art in Europe: history, theory, sources and archives
25 & 26 May, 2016, 9.00-18.00
Bibliothèque nationale de France (François-Mitterrand – Petit auditorium)
Quai François-Mauriac, Paris
Galerie Colbert, salle Walter Benjamin
INHA – Institut national d’histoire de l’art
2, rue Vivienne ou 6 rue des Petits Champs, Paris

Barbara Borčić (curator, critic and editor in the field of contemporary visual arts, advisor and head of video/archive programs at SCCA-Ljubljana, Center for Contemporary Arts) participates at the international symposium on early video art in Europe in Paris (L'émergence de l'art vidéo en Europe: historiographie, théorie, sources et archives).
She is presenting DIVA Station, the archive of video and new-media art produced by SCCA-Ljubljana and participate at the panel dedicated to the situation of archives and resources related to video art in several European countries together with four speakers: Alain Carou (video librarian at the National Library of France), Nathalie Boulouch (director at Les Archives de la Critique d'Art, Rennes), Robert Stéphane (author of first TV show on video "Vidéographie", founder of TV5 Monde and director Belgium TV Station RTBF) and Alessandra Lischi (Head of Association Casa Totiana in Rome).
The symposium is organised by INHA (Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Université Paris-Sorbonne) and Library of France (Bibliothèque nationale de France) in collaboration with University of Paris 8 and University of Lausanne.
- Program in French (pdf)
- Announcement at INHA – Institut national d’histoire de l’art
- INHA Facebook
[Published: May 18, 2016]