World of Art | School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing | Year 16
End of the first year of the 16th generation of World of Art school

In the first week of July, we concluded the first year of the 16th generation of the School for Curatorial Practices and Critical Writing World of Art.
From January to July 2017, the school participants were Urška Aplinc, Živa Brglez, Maja Burja, Anabel Karolyn Černohorski, Magdalena Germek, Anja Guid, Nika Ham, Ajda Ana Kocutar, Iza Pevec, Adrijan Praznik and Nina Tepeš. This year’s lecturers Alenka Pirman, Rebeka Vidrih, Vesna Čopič, Asta Vrečko, Saša Nabergoj and Simona Žvanut covered the topics of art historical, theoretical and methodological knowledge, focusing primarily on introducing the art system, cultural policies, the history of exhibitions, and the history of curatorial practices. Seminars and workshops by Andrej Pezelj, Petja Grafenauer, Kaja Kraner, Izidor Barši and Barbara Borčić were dedicated to critical writing, analysis of exhibitions, and getting familiar with theory. Within the modules, the participants visited Jana Ferjan and Teja Merhar at MSUM department for documentation and archives, while Ines Kežman from the Motovila (Centre for the promotion of cooperation in the cultural and creative sectors) and Dušan Dovč presented various tenders and calls for financing cultural projects from local, national and European sources.
In practice, the participants were invited to assist in conceptualizing and preparing of two exhibitions organized by SCCA-Ljubljana. The first was the exhibition Somethin’s Written (2 March – 2 April 2017, Vodnikova domačija Gallery), and the second was re- (9 – 26 May 2017, Škuc Gallery), exhibition on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the World of Art school. The participants obtained a special practical insight into the curatorial work during the Curatorial Research meetings with Vladimir Vidmar, where they prepared their projects of virtual exhibitions.
At the beginning of the year, the World of Art hosted the Swiss curator and art critic Daniel Morgenthaler with his lecture Curating? Corating! He took the work of the Roman philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero and searched for links between contemporary curatorial practices and speech. The World of Art also participates in the international project “The World around Us. Critical Views in the Region“, which connects the activities of the participating partners in the field of (art) criticism and its contemporary positions and situations.
The second generation of the 16th generation will continue in autumn 2017. Participants of the first year will prepare a virtual exhibition, which will be presented in the beginning of September to the group and tutors of the second year, Alenka Gregorič and Miran Mohar. Based on the success of the task, a smaller group of participants will continue the programme of second year.
The second year (September 2017 – June 2018) will be devoted to curatorial and critical studies and practical work. The programme will include regular meetings with tutors, studio visits, curatorial mapping, seminars, research work, and modules on practical work and the design of the exhibition. Participants will, with the help of weekly meetings with tutors, conceptualize, design and realize the final exhibition at the Škuc Gallery.
More about the World of Art programme.
photo: SCCA-Ljubljana Archive

[Published July 11, 2017]