PROJECTS > Researches
What Is to Be Done with "Balkan
research project (2002-2005)
Initiating and working group: Robert Alagjozovski,
Barbara Borčić in Urška Jurman (editors of PlatformaSCCA)
Production: Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana
Editors of the PlatformaSCCA initiated together
with SCCA team the research project What Is to Be Done with "Balkan
Art"? to reflect and analyse the intense interest of the international
art system during last years in the (re)invention and (re)definition
of the Balkans and "Balkan art".
The project consists of a thematic publication, two public
debates, project presentations and study trips of
editors to Ljubljana, Belgrade, Skopje, Sofia and to major exhibitions
and events covering contemporary arts in the Balkan Region.
PlatformaSCCA, No.4, 2005
A thematic publication with focus on
What Is to Be Done with "Balkan Art"?

The selection of texts and interviews from the fourth issue of PlatformaSCCA
entitled ťWhat Is to Be Done with 'Balkan Art'?Ť was also published
in the 70th issue of Margina, the review for integration and differences
issued in Skopje, Macedonia by Templum Press. The selection was prepared
by Robert Alagjozovski, the guest co-editor of the fourth issue of
PlatformaSCCA, as well as the member of the Editorial Board of Margina.
A panel discussion What Is to Be
Done with "Balkan Art"?
December 15, 2003, Cyberpipe, Ljubljana
As the first public event in the frame of What Is to Be Done with "Balkan
Art"? research project, the Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana
has organized a panel discussion. The subject of the discussion was
introduced by the initial questions of the research project concerning
the correlation of art with ideology, politics and economy, which
we proposed to the invited speakers.
What do we mean, understand and presume when we speak about the
Balkans, and especially, about the so-called Balkan art? What are
the connotations and criteria used to identify certain art practice
and production as specific for "Balkan art"? What was the
response in the Balkan region to an increasing interest in the arts
and culture coming from the Balkans, which we can discern in Western
Europe? What is the background and what are the cultural, political,
economical and ideological implications of the reinvention and (re)definition
of the Balkans and "Balkan art"? What is the connection
between the interest in the art and culture from South-Eastern Europe
and the end of the war in the area of former Yugoslavia and the enlargement
process of the European Union? In what way is the process of integration
taking place on the cultural and political level; what part of those
processes was included and what excluded? How have all these events
manifested themselves in the changes in the building up and operation
of the art system and infrastructure within the South-Eastern Europe;
have they in any way influenced the conditions of creating, understanding
and distributing the artistic production and critical theory reflection
in this milieu?
Panellists (from Ljubljana): Rastko Močnik, Ph.D.
(sociologist of culture), Alen Ožbolt (artist), Mitja Velikonja,
Ph.D. (sociologist of culture), Borut Vogelnik (artist) and Igor
Zabel, M.A. (curator, theorist).
Moderators: Robert Alagjozovski & Urška Jurman
The abstracts of the panellists contributions are published in PlatformaSCCA,
No.4, 2005.

panel discussion What Is to Be Done with "Balkan Art"?
November 7, 2005, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana
With panel discussion entitled What Has Been Left from "Balkan
Art"? Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA-Ljubljana concluded
the research project What Is to Be Done with "Balkan Art"?.
Invited panellists focused their attention to the question if the
intense interest of the international art system in the recent years
have manifested in any changes in building up of the infrastructure & operation
of the art system within the South-East Europe.
Panellists: Suzana Milevska, Ph.D. (curator and
theorist, Skopje), Miran Mohar (artist, Ljubljana) and Bertan Selim
(European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam)
Moderator: Robert Alagjozovski
Visual intervention: Dan Perjovschi (artist, Bucarest)

Project presentation
PlatformaSCCA in the 9th International Istanbul Biennial
Istanbul, September 15, 2005
Presentation of a new issue PlatformaSCCA was a part of event Publication
Launches and Happy Hour.
Publications presented:
- Maria Lind & Liam Gillick, Curating With Light Luggage, ed. by Liam Gillick
And Maria Lind, Revolver Archiv Fur Aktuelle Kunst, 2004
- Urška Jurman & Barbara Borčić, What is to be done with 'Balkan art'?
- Charles Eshe, Mutevazi Oneriler, ed. by Serkan Ozkaya
- Vasif Kortun & Erden Kosova, Szene Turkei: Abseits, Aber Tor!
- Rosa Barba, Printed Cinema
- Sener Ozmen, Istanbul Guide
- Hatice Guleryuz, Strange Intimacies